Seek and players

114 5 5

Seek - humming a song

Players - hiding in s closet

Seek - where are you?

Players - ...

Seek - oh so we're playing hide n seek now?

Players - mentally having a panic attack

Seek - oh were are you? Just a little tip come out now and I'll make it painless, don't come out and WE will have fun!

Players - ?!?

Seek - leaves room

Player 2 - I think the coast is clear

Player 1 - lets stay here a little longer

Seek - comes back with bloody

Players - !!!

Seek - I told you now this little fella would show mercy

Bloody - 😈

Player 1,2,3,4 and 5 - tries to make a run for it

Bloody - chases after them

Seek - that was bold of them but he runs fast

Player 6 - 😰

Seek - Last chance 

Player 6 - steps out

Seek - very bold of you and smart of you since you wasn't dumb like the others I'll spare you for now.

Player 6 - thank you! *Hugs Seek*

Seek - go before I change my mind

Player 6 - thank you again!!!

Seek - your welcome

(Player 6 had survived the rest of the entities and escaped and visits everyday now) 

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