Something funny I just remember

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Story #2 This happen to me when I was younger

Me - playing basketball

Teacher - Good job Doors/creator (no my real name is not doors)

Me - Happy 

2 seconds later

Me - gets hit with a basketball in the face

Teacher - are you okay?!?

Me - *Looks at the teacher with a bloody nose* Yes, why?

Teacher - omg *panicking *

Me - ?? *goes to my only friend (that was in the same grade as me I was very poplure with the 5th graders even tho I was a 2nd grader)*

My friend - omg

The teacher - go to the nurse doors

Me - okay

(After 3 minutes walking to the nurse)

Me - hi favorite nurse (yes she was my favorite nurse she gave me candy everytime I came and fun bandages) 

Nurse - Hi favorite student (Yes I was her favorite student even tho I came there every 3 times a week with a different injury)

Me - :)

Nurse - *hands me a white cloth* Put it up to your nose

Me - okay

After 3 minutes with the nurse

Nurse - here you go *hands me a painting set*

Me - thank you

After walking back

Teacher - hey doors how about you sit out okay?

Me - okay

Teacher - go sit under that basketball hoop

Me - okay

2 minutes later

Some random kid - shoots a hoop in the hoop I was standing under

Basketball hits my head

The kid - runs off

me - rubs my head confused

The teacher - omg

The next day I had scraped my knee very badly (That would be a story for the another day)

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