Seek and player

94 6 11

Seek - you don't  know how it feel to drown in a puddle of shame 

Rush - bruh you can turn it to puddles

Seek - Shut up rush

Player - ?

Seek - you.. yes you.. Made me insane

Rush - being scared with player

Seek - Not any more I'm in control

Player - looks at rush confused

Rush - scared

Seek - I have the control

Cookie & Bloody - makes the beats in the background

Seek - You can't turn the page, Now do as your told.

Figure - Encore hit the beats boys

Seek - focus on me 

Cookie - makes beats

Seek  - I'll be all what they see

Wall eyes appear

Seek - I'll make them sway, no can run away

Bloody - cuts the lights

Cookie - shines light on seek

Seek - Now, all eyes on me! Now all eyes on, now all eyes on me!

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