Funny funny

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Y/n : look pac-man *shows an orange with a slit out*

Seek : ?

Y/n : waka waka

Seek : *stares at y/n with a confused face*

(orange : *sprays Seek's eye*)

Seek : *cover eye* screaming in pain

y/n : ...


Figure : ?

y/n :  *whispers* help

Figure : *chops the orange out of y/n's hand * yum

Seek : y/n go get eyes!!!!

Y/n : but I can't look at him...

Seek : just call him over!!!

Y/n : Fine... EYES!!! *covers eyes*

Eyes : ?

Y/n : seek wanted you

Seek : my eye burns!!!!!!!!!

Eyes : why

Seek : y/n showed me an orange with a slit in it and is sprayed juice in my eye 

Eyes : I will get the eye drops

Seek : thank you

y/n : umm seek?

Seek : ?

y/n : Screech is beside you 

Seek : I'm goin to talk to my kids

Y/n : why?

Seek : because if I'm in pain then they starts to worry and clump together

Y/n : I want to come!!!

Seek : no 

y/n : yes

Seek : no

Y/n : yes

Seek : fine

Y/n : yay

Seek : guys I'm fine

The eyes on the wall : *surrounds Seek to show love*

Eyes : here's the eye drops and vitamins 

Seek : thx

Y/n : *tries to pet one of the eyes

The eyes : *moves*

Seek : they don't like being touched

y/n :  :(

That's the end for now 

( '・・)ノ(._.')

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