Doors entities and Y/n haves a discord sever PART 2!

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Seek - we need to find out how to find out a way to get rid of neko-seek

Melody - why not bash it head in

Figure - we tried that before it made it worse

Melody - oh what about poison?

Screech - tried that

Melody - lighting it on fire?

Hide - tried it

Melody - bomb it?

Jack - tried and failed

Melody - I'm out of ideas

Neko Seek - uwu?

Seek - i'm out of here

(Everyone but neko seek, hide, and jack left)

Hide - rick paper scissor?

Jack 3.. 2.. 1..

Hide - paper

Jack - rock

(Hide left the chat)

Jack - fuck'

Neko Seek - Suck what uwu

( Crufix joined the chat)

Crufix - where is everon-

Neko seek - uwu

Crufix - oh hell nah

(Crufix left the chat)

(lack left the chat)

Neko Seek - uwu I will haunt your dreams

(Neko Seek left the chat uwu)

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