Seek, Bloody, and cookie

83 4 8

Seek - Do you like the snow?

Bloody - *shakes head no*

Seek - why not

Cookie in the background sinking in the snow

Seek - can you say snow

bloody - runs off to cookie but plops face first in the snow

Seek - trying not to die of laughter

Bloody - high pitch screeching

Cookie - :(

Seek - lifts them both carrying them inside

Bloody cuddling cookie

Seek - here ya go *hands small cups of cocoa*

Cookie - looks at seek

Seek - and here's your cookies and blankets

Bloody -  ̄へ ̄

Seek - Look I'm sorry

Cookie - upset

Seek - I won't do it again

and thats why seek won't take his kids outside during winter

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