Dupe takes care of bloody for 24 hours

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Seek - Hey dupe?

Dupe - ?

Seek - can you take care of my baby?

Seek - thanks *sets bloody down* See you at 11pm

Dupe - see ya

(2 minutes later with dupe and bloody)


Star - Dupe what's going on?

Dupe - Bloody keeps trying to eat the wires

Star - what if he's hungry 

Dupe - you know what he eats?

Star - no

(3 hours later trying to get bloody to eat)

Dupe - why won't you eat   

Star - ...

Bloody - runs off and goes back to chewing the wires

Star - what if he's teething?

Bloody - shakes head yes

Star - ohh well do you have any teething things?

bloody - shrugs shoulders 

Dupe - I'll call seek 

(Phone - leave a message after the beep)

Dupe - he won't pickup

Star - try one more time!

Bloody - breaks the wires

Dupe - well okay

Seek - mhm?

Dupe - does Bloody haves any teething things?

Seek - uhh see if figure has any leftover humans

Dupe - okay *Hangs up*

Star - so does he?

Dupe - we have to go to figure

Bloody - ?

Dupe - tries to pick up bloody

Bloody - bite him

Dupe - oww

Bloody - (  ̄︿ ̄)

Dupe - star how about you try to pick him up

Star - okay

Bloody - runs off

Star - we have to go after him

Dupe - its dark

Star - I have a flashlight

Dupe - k

(Random scream in the back)

Star - what was that?

Dupe - I don't know

Figure - petting bloody

Bloody - happy

Dupe - hey figure had you se-

Bloody - chewing on a human arm

Figure - ?

Dupe - oh you had him

Figure - yea why

Dupe - Seek told us to babysit him

Figure - lol

Dupe - what's so funny?

Figure - nothing 

Dupe - okay?

Bloody - runs off

Star - do you know why he keeps running off

Dupe - idk

Figure - he wants to play tag and ya are it

Star - oh

Dupe - he was chewing on a wire earlier  

Figure - oof

Dupe - come on star we got to get him

Star - *Knows what gonna happen next*

Dupe - tag your it Bloody

Bloody - runs after Dupe

Dupe - he's fast *jumps onto the bookshelf*

Bloody - starts climbing up

Dupe - jumps down 

Bloody - jumps down

(20 hours later of Bloody chasing Dupe) 

Dupe - bloody feeling tired?

Bloody - shakes head no

Dupe - how!?!

Bloody - tackles Dupe 

Dupe - you got me, you done now?

Bloody - runs away

Dupe - takes that as a no

Bloody - taunting dupe at the doorway 

Dupe - chases after bloody

Star - got you bloody

Bloody - *points at door*

Star - what?

Bloody - looking at the door

Star - puts Bloody down

Seek - opens the door

Bloody - runs over to seek 

Seek - lifts up bloody 

Bloody - happy

Seek - thanks for watching bloody for me

Star - your welcome

Dupe - your welcome

Seek - see ya later

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