Seek and figure belike

341 15 28

Seek is A and Figure is B

Seek - is on his last string 

Player - annoying him

Seek - trying to calm down 

Player - talking shit about Figure and him

Seek - Gets up and starts going to player

Player - Bye *leaves the hotel*

Seek - sinks into the ground

Figure - asking everyone if they seen Seek

Player - comes back 

Figure - hears the player and kills them

Player - x-x

Figure - continues looking for seek

Seek - Destroying room after room

Figure - spots seek

Hide - Figure don't go its dangerous 

Figure - I don't care

Hide - please don't go

Figure - I might be able to help tho

Hide - ...

Figure - walks over to seek

Seek - ?

Figure - seek can you please stop?

Seek - not listening

Figure - seek?

Seek - Leave me alone

Figure - Seek, Look I know your mad

Seek - so

Figure - You can talk it out with me

Seek - You won't understand

Figure - I will I promise

Seek - ...

Figure - Hugs Seek 

Seek - ...

Figure  - You can let it out

Seek - hugs Figure back

Figure - calming seek

Seek - crying

Figure -  its okay

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