Literally y/n in doors

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Y/n haves friends in this one! and (??) means mystery person

Y/n - "looks around"

R1 - where are we?

R2 - idk

R3 - Moring sleepy heads

R1 - oh they are finally awake

R2 - how about we introduce each other 

R1 - I'm R1

R2 - I'm R2

R3 - I'm F2

Y/n - I'm Y/n 

(??) - Hello

R1 - who said that?!?

(??) - it was me I want to help you guys to be freed out of here

R2 - how can we trust you?!?

(??) - I can introduce myself

F2 - Then do it

Gl - Im guiding light you can call me gl for short

R1 - can you explain where we are?

Gl - You guys are in Doors

R2 - is their a way to get out?

Gl - yes but its difficult

F2 - how then?

Gl - you have to get to 100 locked doors

R1 - its doesn't seem that hard

Gl - each couple of doors has something called entities some are harmless others are not

R1 - spoke too soon

Gl - but I would help ya on the way!

R2 - how would we know if its you?

Gl - I will show you a blue light

F2 - okay?

Y/n - wonders out the room

Gl - can I get to know you guys?

R1 - sure I'm R1

R2 - i'm R2

F2 - im F2

Gl - wheres the fourth one?

F2 - oh y/n? Wait where is Y/n!?!

Y/n - comes back with screech

Gl - put him down y/n 

Y/n - but hes cuddly and he seemed lonely 

Gl - gives everyone a flashlight

Y/n - I don't need this

F2 - Y/n don't be difficult they are here to help

Y/n - runs off with screech

Gl - follow me 

Literally 3 minutes later 

R1 is dead

Gl - and thats why you should of got in the closet

2 hours later  

y/n - hello inky person

Seek - hello?

5 minutes later of seek and y/n talking 

Seek - follow me

Y/n - okay 

Seek - greets everyone to y/n

(back to gl and the others)

F2 is dead 

Gl - I thought I told them left

R2 - looks out the window

Gl - ?

R2 - whos that?

Gl - thats window 

R2 - how did you know what to do and why are you doing this?

Gl - I know what to do because I know everyone here and im doing this so you don't end up dead here so you can live freely 

R2 - I'm feeling sleepy 

Gl - carrys R2 to bed to realize they was bleeding

R2 - goodbye

Gl - goodbye

(back to Y/n) 

Y/n - playing hide n seek with Seek and Hide

Seek - found you 

Y/n - you good at being the seeker 

Seek - that how I got my name now last person to find is hide

Y/n - how did you guys get your names?

Seek - we got our names by how we look or act

Y/n - Oh that's cool

Seek - hide is our best hider

Y/n - is that how he got his name

Seek - yup 

Y/n - happy

Seek - found hide

Hide - Its tied again

Seek - guys we just the best at this lol

Hide - I guys your right lol

Gl - have ya se-

Seek - hey gl

Gl - y/n is alive?

Seek - yup they was too innocent to kill

Y/n - siting there playing with screech

Gl - okay bye

Seek - bye

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