Chapter 1- Bells

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3rd Person Perspective

Tony was in his tuxedo, pacing around the room, muttering to himself, "I can't do this!" He moaned, face-planting into the bed.

Paige yelped and jumped up. "You'll wrinkle my dress!" She yelped, "And your suit! Get up!" Tony grinned sheepishly and got off the bed, careful not to create any more creases. "Stop being so stressed!" Paige snorted, "It's just a wedding."

Tony rolled his eyes, "Yeah, but I'm the one who's getting married." He said and continued muttering his speech.

Paige grabbed his shoulders and shook him firmly causing Tony to see stars, "Tony, look. It's Layla, the love of your dreams you're marrying." Paige told him, "When Shashi and I got married I wasn't nervous, that's because when you tell someone you love them, you have nothing to hide from each other anymore. So instead of reciting a speech you probably found on Pinterest, why don't you just tell Layla how much you love her okay?" Paige wiped a tear from her eye, "I'm just so happy for you two, for you, Tony." She leaned over and hugged her little brother tight.

Tony hugged her back, "I understand, sis."

Paige nodded, "Then you have nothing to worry about." She said, rocking him and letting go. "The wedding's in an hour. Sorry to leave you alone but this maid-of-honor has got to greet the guests." Paige said and slipped out the door.

"Wait, Paige, how did you know I found the speech on Pinterest?" Tony asked her.

"I'm your sister," Paige laughed, rolling her eyes.

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"Layla, you've been staring at yourself for ten minutes now. What's the matter?" Travis Gray asked his little sister.

"I. . .I. . ." Tears formed in her eyes, "I'm just. . . y' know, so happy."

Travis nodded, "I. . . to be honest, I don't understand but I'll be here for you okay?"

Layla smiled. "Knock, knock!" A small voice came behind the door and toddled Kai Mori, Echo's one-year-old son.

"Kai! You have to knock!" Echo laughed knocking on the door, "Like this!"

Layla hurried to wipe off the tears, "Kai! Echo! What's up?"

Just then, Celeste, Mrs. Nowhere's four-year-old daughter ran in. "That's up." Echo said, "Celeste wants you to check the flowers."

Layla glanced down at the little girl's basket, inside, there were red and pink rose petals. "Beautiful." Celeste smiled, "Mother says to tell you that you're going to be great." Layla laughed at the little girl's seriousness. "I will now excuse myself from the room," Celeste announced, shutting the door softly behind her.

"She's so funny." Echo said, "But I have some bad news for you. I don't even know how to say this but um. . ." Layla gasped, waiting for an answer. "Kai picked the lock to the doves' cage and set them all free."

When Kai heard this, he flapped his arms, "Fwy! Fwy! Birds Fwee!"

Layla sighs in relief, "That's okay the birds are free now, right, Kai?"

Kai smiled, "Fwy, bud, fwy!"

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