Chapter 3- You said WHAT?!

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3rd Person Perspective

"Ladies and gentlemen, family and friends, we are gathered here today, to celebrate the union of Anthony Toretto and Layla Gray." A loud cheer went up in the crowd. "Let us begin." The minister announced, clearing his throat, "Anthony James Toretto, do you take this woman to be your wife, to protect her and love her?" The minister asked.

"I do," Tony said.

"Just so y'all know, I don't need protection. Toretto here can barely protect himself with those puny muscles of his." Layla told the crowd, laughter rising.

"Layla Kristen Gray, do you take this man to be your husband and love him, staying by his side until the very end?"

"I do," Layla said, sounding a bit teary.

"Now we exchange vows." The minister said, "And then rings."

Layla went first. "I, Layla Kristen Gray, am really glad to have this big loving family and the most amazing husband ever."

Then it was Tony's turn. He looked at Layla deep into her eyes and said. "From the moment I first found out about you, you've been stuck in my mind ever since. And when I first saw you at the race, I fell for you, even though you were trying to kill me." Layla sniffed and laughed. "And being here with my family, and you, Layla, I wouldn't change a thing. This is all I could ever ask for!" Tony said as he slipped a beautiful ruby ring surrounded by beautiful tiny diamonds. 

"Oh, Tony!" Layla said as she hugged him. She also took a ring and slipped it onto Tony's finger. Then, she reached behind her ear and took off her diamond stud.

"I would also like you to have this." She said placing it in Tony's hand. 

"You may now smooch." The minister added before jumping off the stage and yes, he was the exact same minister that had married Paige and Shashi. 

The newlywed couple began their speech, by talking about the highs and lows they endured together in life and the wonderful memories they created. "I want to thank everyone for coming today, and there are no words to express how happy I am. I got the most perfect, intelligent, and beautiful woman standing here beside me. My family," He gestured to the rest of the spyracers," That is going to be expanding!" But then Tony clamped his hand over his mouth as he realized what he had just said. 

As the crowd began to whisper, Tony slowly turned towards Paige to see that her face showed a wide range of emotions. Tony clamped his teeth together guiltily. He had revealed his sister's secret. Before he ran to apologize, Layla kissed his ear and whispered, "Typical Toretto, you always do these kinds of things." She laughed before letting him go.

"Tony!" Paige hissed, "Why?"

Tony scratched his head. "Well, I was excited. I mess up when I'm excited. I'm sorry!"

Paige sighed. "They had to find out at one point anyway. Just not at your wedding! It's your day! Now go party with Layla." Paige nudged him into the dance floor and quickly followed.

"Paige! Why did you tell us you're expecting?" Frostee asked.

"I didn't want the news to ruin Tony's big day!" Paige exclaimed, "But the fool revealed it himself!"

Cisco sighed happily. "We're going to have a new family member!"

Paige shook her head. "That's going to happen many months later. At the moment, we should congratulate Tony and Layla." As they made their way to the newlywed couple, a noise overhead made them all look up. It was a spy drone.

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