Chapter 12- KAY KAY, CLEVE.

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3rd Person Perspective

Beside Rafaela stood the one and only Cleve Kelso. "What?!!" Tony gasped as he saw him. "He isn't dead yet?"

"First I have to see the Brazilian Maniac, then I have to see the old cowboy," Matsuo muttered under his breath.

Layla put her hand on her hip and said. "Of course, he's not dead yet! He was never dead!"

"Why are bad guys so hard to beat?" Tony asked.

"Beats me!" Frostee replied and burst into laughter.

"Focus guys," Echo said annoyed.

"Yeah, focus, uggos." Rafaela mocked. Then Rafaela called Tony. "Tony Toretto! Your dear sister is going to call you in like, 3. . .2. . .1."

And just like Rafael said, Tony's phone rang immediately. Tony fumbled to pick up.

"Tony!" Paige said through the phone, sounding desperate. "My car is gone!"

"Which one?" Tony asked. "You literally have tons."

"The Black Rose! The one Shashi bought for me as a present." Paige replied. (Reference to 'The Tale of the Lost Island'. If you did not read it. This part will be a little confusing. Go read it. Also, read 'Double Cross' the sequel.)

"Yeah, I know. That's the car you wouldn't stop showing off to me. But what's the big deal? You don't even drive that one!" Tony pointed out, rolling his eyes.

"Yeah, I don't, but you know how special it is to me!"

Rafaela cackled. "Your so very special car is gone. And FYI, I stole it!" She made a show of holding up the Black Rose's key. "What can I say? I'm the best. Even better than Daphne Flame. I don't even know why that Flame is your sister's nemesis, enemy, or something like that. I should take her place."

"Rafaela," Cleve cleared his throat and beckoned Rafaela to the helicopter, which was their ride. "We gotta go."

"Kay Kay, Cleve," Rafaela said, but then stopped in her tracks. "Oh right! I forgot something!"

"Why is she always so loud?" Matsuo asked, rubbing his forehead.

At that, two big burly men tackled Layla and took her into the helicopter with them. "Layla!!" Tony ran after them, but the helicopter already took off.

When they were at least 200 feet in the air, Rafaela stuck her head out of the helicopter and yelled. "Still too slow, uggo!" Then she threw a round, black object, that's right, the OG bomb, and all Tony could remember was it exploded.

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"Tony. Tony, wake up." Tony sat up groggily and he rubbed his eyes. Around him were the three of his friends, Frostee, Echo, and Cisco. Tony blinked rapidly. "Where am I? Am I dead? Is this Heaven? What did I do to deserve this? What happened to me?"

"Well, long story short, you're in the hospital, 'cause a bomb struck you," Cisco said.

"HOSPITAL??!! Is that some sort of jail? For crazy people? Because I am certainly NOT crazy. Who put me here?" Tony yelled. Then he blinked rapidly and glanced around. "Layla! Where's Layla!" He wobbled as he ran over to Echo and hugged her tightly. "Where's Layla? I need her!"

Echo sighed and tried to pry Tony off. She looked over at Matsuo wondering how to break the news about Layla to Tony. Matsuo just nodded. "Rafaela took her."

"Took her? Why? Is she going to kill her? Or," Tony gasped. "Even worse, is she going to marry her?"

Frostee asked hesitantly. "Should we hit him on the what with something? It worked fine the last time."

"No, we can't. He might get a concussion after if he gets another bonk to the head again." Cisco said.

"Relax guys. It's not the first time this has happened. It's normal now." Echo told them. "All we need is to get to Layla."

"And get to Tony's brain because dude can't think straight," Cisco added.

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