Chapter 13- On The Move

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3rd Person Perspective

"Why did you do that?" Layla struggled against the grasp of the two big, burly men who still held onto either of her arms. "You could have hurt him. Or killed him with that."

"Could've. But where's the fun if he were dead?" Cleve shrugged.

"And my aim is not that bad. I missed it on purpose. You can thank me later." Rafaela tossed her hair over her shoulder.

"Why are you doing this?" Layla asked.

"Doing what?" Rafaela asked innocently. "Kidnapping you or accidentally dropping that explosive?"

Layla glared at Rafaela, so she continued. "You really want to know? Fine. I'll tell you. You know, you could've just asked me. So I kidnapped you because your little boyfriend would come running after you. And that would lead him into my trap. Isn't it just genius?"

"No, and Tony's not my little boyfriend. He's my husband. We just got married. Not that you needed to know."

"What! You got married and didn't invite me? I could have been your maid of honor! We're besties. How could you do this to me?"

"No, you are not my bestie. How many times do I have to tell you that you brainwashed me? And will you tell them to let go of me?

'"No. Sorry. NOT!" Rafaela cackled, "See YA!"

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"It's a good thing Ms. Nowhere put trackers on our watches. Otherwise, we could've totally lost Layla!" Echo said.

"Layla's tracker shows that she's in Rafeala's submarine," Frostee said, typing into his laptop. "Looks like they're headed towards Russia?

"Hey! I've been on a submarine before! Tony grinned but then remembered Layla was gone. "Is Layla back yet? I miss her so much that I need her. I can't live without her. I love Layla." Tony had tears in his eyes. "When is she going to be back? I need to tell her I'm sorry!" Then he was really crying. Full on, sobbing, messy tears.

"Aw, Tony, don't worry. She's going to be back in no time," Cisco said soothingly.

"So she's probably in the bathroom." Tony piped up.

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" What would Rafaela and Cleve be doing in Russia?" Cisco asked.

"I dunno," Echo replied.

"YAY! I've never been to Russia before! It's a great day to try something new! Tony exclaimed as Matsuo winced at Tony's excitement.

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"Rafaela and Cleve are headed to billionaire Alexei Sudarikov's mansion." Frostee announced, "That's so weird."

"Sudarikov? Sudarikov? Seriously?" Echo groaned, "Is Alexei related to the Sudarikov we know?"

Frostee typed into his laptop, "Yeah, they're cousins."

" So they could be working together?"

"Uh-huh!" Tony chimed in enthusiastically, "Yes! I Always knew Sova wanted to work with me. I know who Sova is, you know? Tony wiggled his eyebrows," I'm so excited to see her again!"

Matuso grumbled, "Tony was dumb enough. His head injury is driving me crazy."

"I know," Frostee said sadly, "I miss the old Tony."

"Does this mean I get to whack him in the head?" Echo asked hopefully.

"No!" Cisco shook his head, " We want him to get better without suffering any more head injuries!" Cisco said.

Then, they called Mrs. Nowhere and filled her in on the mission, and the lead on Alexei Sudarikov.

She listened intently and then said, " Alright guys. I'll meet you at Alexei's house to supervise you. We can't have the whole place going up in flames like we, I mean you did when we were trying to stop Moray. Oh, and remember. Wear a mask. It's a masquerade party and we're going undercover."

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