Chapter 10- Jail Fallout

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 3rd Person Perspective   

     "What are we going to do now?" Tony asked, pacing around the spy plane. "We land in half an hour, what are we going to do now?"

"You said that already," Echo sighed, rolling her eyes. "Shut up, let me think."

Tony gave a mock salute and sat down beside Layla. "This is kinda sad, but the only hunch we have on this villain is from a four-year-old."

"Hey!" Mrs. Nowhere said, popping up from the big projector. "That's MY four-year-old. And it's the only lead we got! So just go visit Rafaela in jail!" Then the screen immediately went dark.

"Okay." Frostee said slowly. "Setting the destination to Brazil's national prison department."

They closed in on a huge gray cement building surrounded by electric and barbed wire. "Uh. . . hola?" Tony asked the security guard, guarding the main gate." Uh. . . Visita Rafaela Moreno. . . a."

The guard rolled his eyes, "I speak English."

Tony went red. "Oh. Sorry amigo, may we visit Rafaela Moreno?"

The guard shook his head, "No one visits her."

Tony flashed his badge at the security and he reluctantly agreed. "Fine, but only three are allowed to enter." He eyed all the spy racers.

"Who's going to go inside with me?" Tony asked.

"I'm sorry what?" Echo yelled as Matsuo who stood quietly behind her winced at the shouting.

"I said-"

"I heard what you said." Echo didn't let him finish. "No, you are not going in."

"What?" Tony shouted, "Who did the Spanish talking? I did."

"It's Portuguese." Frostee offered.

"That's not helpful!" Echo and Tony said glaring. Frostee just shrugged.

"Frostee, Layla, and I will be going in, not you." Echo said.

Tony gasped, taken aback. "This is so not fair. Who made the rules?"

"Tony, calm down." Layla said, planting her hands on Tony's shoulders. "It's just 'go in and ask questions'. It's nothing to argue about."

"It's so much to argue about. You guys just. . . UGH!" Tony stormed off.

"Toretto wait!" Layla ran after him

Echo rolled her eyes. "We are getting nowhere with Tony and his 'nerves'."

"Echo, don't talk like that." Cisco said. "He's just mad. He needs time to cool off. He's like a kitten who's lost and-"

"Okay, I think we get it." Frostee cut Cisco off.

"Why is everyone arguing??!"

The guard cleared his throat. "Are you guys finished umm. . . Can we go in now? We don't have all day."

"Fine. Cisco, you are coming with us." Echo said.

"No, let Matsuo go in. I'm allergic to jails, and crazy Brazilian ladies." Cisco whined.

"Alright." Echo sighed.

"Yipee!" Cisco cheered as he ran towards the market. "Meet back here in 30 minutes!"

As the guard opened the fifth door that led to Rafaela's cell, and led the three down the dark, gloomy hall, there stood one single metal door. The guard inserted the 10 digit code on the keypad and the door clicked open and revealed an empty cell. The guard's mouth dropped open. "What? How?!!"

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"Tony," Layla said, loudly but firmly, grabbing both of his hands in hers. "Stop acting like this. This is not you."

"Like what, huh?" Tony yelled. "Stop taking their side. You always take their side. Never mine."

"Stop overreacting, Toretto. And lower your voice. I don't like your attitude."

"Overreacting? You think this is overreacting?" Tony dropped Layla's hand.

A hurt expression appeared on Layla's face. "Where is the thoughtful and caring man that I married? I didn't marry this loud, uncompassionate man. I'm beginning to question our marriage."

Tony's eyes softened. "Layla," Tony reached for Layla but she pulled away. "I'm sorry."

"Save it for someone who cares, Tony."

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