Chapter 4- Surprise Attack

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3rd Person Perspective

In the spy drone's claw, it clamped a note. Mrs.Nowhere lifted an eyebrow in suspicion. Now that was the center of attention, the spy racers crowded around Mrs.Nowhere as she carefully opened the envelope. The paper read: "Drug smugglers located in the towers of North Carolina." Celeste came over hand in hand with Kai. "It's a trap," she said quietly.

Mrs. Nowhere brushed her away. "Not now, Celeste, go find daddy." Celeste sighed and walked away.

"What are we waiting for?" Frostee yelled, "Let's go!"

They all ran to their cars and raced off. "Of course, this had to happen in the middle of my wedding," Tony said.

"Well, Toretto, trouble just seems to follow you everywhere," Layla grinned.

They pulled up to a tall and wide building. Following the orders of the note, they headed to the top floor of the building. When the elevator doors dinged open, the floor looked completely normal. They circled the room, looking for clues. Suddenly, men in black jumped out, armed with weapons. The spy racers quickly got to their senses before starting to fight them off. "Who are you?"  Tony asked as he dodged a punch, "Why are you here? You ruined my wedding!" Layla rolled her eyes and sidestepped a blow.

"Toretto!" Mrs. Nowhere shouted, "You may be a man now but you still have the mind of a teenager! Stop conversing with the opponent!"

Echo shrugged, "She's not wrong."

Then, all at the same time, the men in black broke the windows and jumped off the building. "What's happening?: Cisco panicked.

Frostee walked to the ledge of the glass, peered over it, then shouted, "The building is on FIRE!" Cisco started breathing loudly.

"Don't worry! I've got this!" Tony boasted as he walked over to the 'in case of fire, break glass and pull' lever, and pulled downwards, "See? Nothing to be worried about."

Nothing happened.

"They must have sabotaged these!" Cisco wailed, "We're going to die! Goodbye, world, goodbye!" Cisco stopped wailing for a moment. "Hey! Did you guys hear that? I just rhymed! I'm such a good actor!"

Echo and Layla both rolled their eyes. "Can you all just be quiet?!" Mrs. Nowhere shrieked. "I hear something. It's a helicopter and I hear Celeste! What is my baby doing here?!" She shouted.

Seconds later, the helicopter hovered next to them. Paige who was flying it and Celeste using a loudspeaker said, "I told you that it was a trap, MOTHER! Someone wants to incinerate you! Could you please listen to me for once?"

Mrs. Nowhere, speechless, and the crew all stepped into the helicopter and Paige flew it back to the ranch.

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