Chapter 11- Surprise?

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3rd Person Perspective

"You morons!" Mrs. Nowhere yelled at the Spy Racers. "I only gave you one thing to do and you FAILED it! The task wasn't even that hard!" The crew all lowered their heads in guilt.

"Well, technically, we didn't fail it. 'Cause Rafaela already escaped when we got there. And the extra five doors were kinda useless." Frostee made a note.

"Shut up! You're useless. Do I have to do everything myself?" Mrs. Nowhere yelled. Suddenly, the projector screen showed an incoming call from an unknown number. Mrs. Nowhere picked up immediately. "Hello? What do you want?" She barked into the phone. There was a moment of silence. "Mhm." Mrs. Nowhere nodded. Pause. "Uh huh." Pause. "Okay." Pause. "What?!!" Then she hung up. "Why is everyone so useless these days?"

"Umm. What did they say?" Cisco asked hesitantly.

"Rafaela escaped. Then she busted her mother, Marianna Moreno, out. I need you guys to go after them." Mrs. Nowhere ordered. Matsuo winced as he heard about Rafaela, his former partner in crime.

"Where do we start?"

"Just go. NOW!"

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"So where do we start?" Cisco asked again into the coms of their cars.

"I don't know. Maybe the best place is to go back to jail and look for clues." Tony suggested.

Frostee said. "I'm not sure that's necessary. So I just found out that the government secretly has trackers on all of their inmates. The Morenos' trackers show that they are currently. . . in downtown Rio? How did they get so far so fast?"

"We don't know when they escaped. Plus, maybe the government didn't want us to know they did." Layla shrugged.

"Guys, the map says that there is traffic up ahead. If we just take the—" Frostee said but it was already too late. They had already passed the turn and into the traffic.

"Never mind." Echo sighed as the cars around them honked and beeped.

"Should we walk instead?" Cisco asked. "Splitting up seems like the most reasonable choice that we have right now."

"'Okay, lets—" Tony was interrupted by a thump on his car. Then, there were sounds of lasers cutting through the roof of his car.

"Tony Toretto!!" The dreadful voice of Rafaela rang through Tony's head as she slipped in through the roof and into the passenger seat. "Did you miss me? I knew you would come to visit me. Who knew it would be so soon?" She looked around and she spotted Layla and Matsuo, who were in their cars. "Heyy, Lay. Bestie, its so good to see you again!" And to Matsuo she said with a little wave. "Matsuyoo! Fancy seeing you here. Did you ditch me to join the lame spy racers? I'm offended!"

"I didn't come to see you. I have came to put you in jail." Tony replied triumphantly. 

Rafaela cackled. "Good luck with that."

Layla rolled her eyes. "We aren't even friends, Rafaela, let alone besties."

"That's Raf to you, hon!" Rafaela giggled. Matsuo just ignored her.

With that, Rafaela shot a grappling hook through the roof and on to a nearby building and flew off.

"UGH! How are we supposed to chase after her when we are stuck in traffic?" Tony groaned, annoyed.

"Get out of your car, moron!" Mrs. Nowhere shouted, appearing on the car's com, startling Tony. "Chase after her!"

"What?! No. I can't do that. My baby's gonna be stuck in traffic all alone." Tony said, referring to his car.

"Go. NOW!"

"So demanding." Tony muttered, quietly.


Tony grinned sheepishly and scrambled out of his car after giving a salute.

"Are you sure he's going to be okay out there?" Frostee asked, as he saw Tony shooting his grappling hook.

"If I'm there, he's going to be fine. I'm going after him." Layla said.

"Aww. So they've made up!" Cisco cooed.

"We have NOT!" Layla yelled back. "If we want to make up, then Tony has to be alive. So that's why I'm going after him."

"Ha-ha." Echo laughed as Layla got off her car.

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"Tony, Layla, if you run and take the first right, you should see Rafaela," Frostee said, typing into his laptop.

"Thanks Frostee," Tony said, panting.

"Don't talk when you're running, Toretto." Layla scolded, "You're already slow enough." Tony grumbled but said nothing. After a few moments of running, Tony broke the silence.

"Hey! I think I see Rafaela!" Tony grinned at his self accomplishment. Sure enough, there was Rafaela, grinning like a maniac. And she wasn't alone.

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