Chapter 14- Museum Heist

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3rd Person Perspective

The crew pulled up to a massive, u-shaped villa. There was a statue of Sova on a waterfall instead of a roundabout, and a stone-patched driveway surrounded the fountain. They exited their cars, and Echo rolled her eyes in disgust when she spotted Sova's sculpture. "Isn't that a little bit too excessive?"

"Hurry up and get in there. The auction starts in a few minutes." Ms. Nowhere barks into their earpieces. the gangster's up the marble stairs into the villa, already packed with people. The auction is held at the top of a grand staircase, and Tony suddenly sees something that makes his eyes widen. He sees his sister and Shashi sitting in the first row. Tony points them out to his friends and everyone is shocked to see them.

"What are they doing here? And Kai! He's going to be in danger!" Echo whispers frantically. Kai and Celeste were standing on the chair, holding a paddle. "Wait, what are they doing at the auction? We should warn them!"

The auction starts with the weather machine that Cleve Kelso had built in the Sahara. "Guys, I have a bad feeling about this." Cisco groans. 

"I should call Paige," Tony replies and dials into his phone.

"5 billion dollars to Paige Toretto Dhar. Going once... going twice... sold!"

The crowd claps politely as the Spy Racers gape at the price. "What if Shashi is buying a weather machine to kill us?" Tony whispers before talking into the phone and addressing the situation to Paige. A moment later, Paige stands up with Shashi, carrying Celeste and Kai out of the room.

"Now, we find Alexei and get Layla back!" Tony exclaimed, pumping a fist in the air.

"If only it was that easy," Matsuo grumbled.

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"Are you sure Alexei is in here?" Cisco asked nervously.

"He has to be. I put a tracker on him back at the auction," Frostee said.

"Can we just hurry up and go? My legs are starting to cramp." Tony complained.

"Shut up!" Echo whispered through gritted teeth as loud footsteps came nearer to reveal a buff security guard. "Hey! You can't be back here!"

"You can't either!" Tony yelled.

The guard pressed a red button on the wall, and loud sirens blared from overhead. Metal doors closed in on them, leaving them with only one exit between them and the guard.

Echo kicked the guard out.

"Do we go in?" Frostee asked hesitantly.

"It's the only way," Tony said.

"We can all see that, smarty." Echo groaned. They went in, and the door automatically closed behind them. They were trapped.

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