Chapter 15- Trapped

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3rd Person POV

"If you weren't so loud, this wouldn't have happened!" Echo yelled at Tony.

"Blame the guard! He was getting in my personal space! I was uncomfortable." Tony pouted.

"Echo. It's ok. Tony's head is still injured. He'll come back to his senses soon." Cisco reminded Echo.

"Not fast enough." Echo muttered. In the corner of the four metal walls was a TV that suddenly flickered on.

"Guys, look!" Frostee pointed.

The screen projected the same shadowed figure that was in the ransom video.

"Tony. Crew. I see you have found yourself into the room of doom." Even his voice was disguised. "The last 20 minutes of your life, that is. When the time is over, the room will go up in flames. Good luck. It's called the room of doom for a reason." And the screen was replaced with a timer for 20 minutes.

"Why do people always refer to us as 'Tony's Crew'? That's so unfair!" Frostee said, frustrated.

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"Well, that was weird," Paige commented as they sped off into the night. "What were they doing there?" A flash of lighting struck the air. "Kai, Celeste, what did I say about playing with the weather machine?"

"I wasn't!" Celeste huffed. "Its not a weather machine anyway. It's a bomb. I just detonated it. So it's really going to rain. I suggest you put your roof on. You wouldn't want your very fancy car getting wet."

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"What about the weather machine?" Alexei Sudarikov feigned surprise.

"Cut the act, Alexei," Shashi replied. "I want my money back."

Paige threw the fake weather machine at Alexei's feet and said, "Or I'll take the real weather machine. I'll also take an apology," she said, raising an eyebrow at the bomb.

"Fine, fine," Alexei replied. "Wait here. I'll check." He walked over to his safe and turned the knob.

"I'm going to call Tony. He mentioned he was at this event." Paige dialed and then frowned. "That's strange. Tony's never not picked up before."

Shashi reached over and squeezed her hand. Alexei walked back. "Here's the real thing. I don't know what happened. And could you tell your kids not to jump on my crocodile-skin couch? It cost me a fortune."

"Celeste, Kai, come here, please." Paige called. "Say hi to Alexei, please."

They both waved politely before taking their seats on the crocodile couch.

"By any chance, are you expecting?" Alexei asked, "I would like to congratulate you."

"Shut up." Shashi grumbled.

"Like you didn't just try to kill us a few moments ago." Paige replied rolling her eyes,

"It wasn't me! I swear! I had no idea what happened. It was my assistant that transported the weather machine.""

"And who might your assistant be?" Shashi asked.

"His name is Ivan. I will contact him now." His phone rang for a good number of seconds before Ivan picked up.

"Hey boss. What's up!"

"Ivan, where were you today? My weather machine was not delivered." Alexei growled into the phone.

"Alexei, sir, you gave me the day off. I don't know what you're talking about."

"I never gave you the day off!"

"Well, somebody did. I gotta go now!" And he hung up.

"If he wasn't there, what happened? Shashi said, angrily.

"Calm down dear." Paige said patting Shashi on the shoulder. "C'mon guys, we're leaving." She beckoned to the two kids. When they reached the door, the realized that Kai and Celeste didn't follow. They turned to see Kai trying to drag the crocodile couch behind him.

"Kai!" Paige laughed. "Put that down. What are you doing?"

"I'm gonna free it in the lake!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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