Chapter 9- The Interrogation

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3rd Person Perspective

     Paige and Shashi blindfolded and cuffed Scadan and Muscles into the interrogation room, Kai and Celeste followed. They sat down in chairs and had their blindfolds removed.

"Y-you're not going to kill us are you?" Muscles ask nervously.

"We'll see," Paige replied. "I've got a few questions I want you to answer. Truthfully."

The two hunters glanced skeptically at each other before nodding slowly.

"Who's the person in the video?"

"I don't know," Scadan answered.

     Shashi stared at him, trying to determine if his answer was genuine, "Then how do you know if he's going to give you the prize money?" Shashi asked.

     "I don't, but I've always had a grudge with Tony. So money, no money, I'm still going to get my revenge. The money is just a bonus."

     "Okay," Paige continued, "Let's say you caught Tony. Where did the man or woman say to bring him?"

"He didn't," Scadan answered, "He said to contact him AFTER we caught Tony."

     Kai tugged on Paige's hand, and pointed at his open mouth, indicating his hunger. Paige shook her head, "Not now Kai." Kai kept tugging, and he started sniffing, Paige, unable to stand crying, caved in, "Fine, Shashi take over. I need to feed the kid." Kai immediately stopped sniffing and grinned. He then high-fived Celeste and waved at Shashi, Scadan, and Muscles before following Paige out the door.

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"Get in the car," Paige said.

"Are you driving us to the kitchen? We can walk." Celeste asked.

"I can't cook very well," Paige admits. Celeste and Kai headed for the car door.

"Buckle up, kids. I don't have any car seats, so I'll go slow. What do you want to eat?"

"Let's go to Frostee's moms'!" Celeste shouted, and Kai nodded along enthusiastically.

     Pulling up to Salchicas, Paige walked in, followed by the kids. The bell chimed gently and the restaurant smelled like a variety of rich spices. Light chatter and clanging of utensils welcomed them.

"Paige, kids! What can we do for you?" Tiffany greeted them.

"I want fries." Kai said smiling, " Thankyew!"

"I want tacos," Celeste says shyly.

"Tapas please." Paige nods and steps up to pay for their orders.

"Thanks, Wanda." Paige smiles as she takes the paper bag.

"Can I sit in front?" Celeste asks hopefully.

"No," Paige laughs, "Nice try."

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Shashi was still in the room when they returned with their food.

"We're back!" Celeste squealed. Shashi laughs, spinning Paige around, and kissing her. Kai stares, openmouthed, and sticks a fry into his mouth. Scadan and Muscles were also in shock as Kai walked up to them and stuck a fry each into their open mouths.

"Yummy!" Kai sighs happily then looks up quizzically at Scadan and Muscles, "Yummy?"

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