What's Pizza? |revised|

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Y/N\L/N001: Hey Miles, this Y/N that random guy you met when we saw Spider-Man fight scorpion.

MilesMolasses411: HEY DUDE! What's up, I see you finally joined up. have you joined a server yet?

Y/N\L/N001: Server?

MilesMolasses411: Here I'll send you a link to mine.

There was link in your chat and you pressed it and joined Miles' server named 'Miles' Drive Thru', he scrolled through and found other members: PrinceOfPower515(Brawn/Amadeus Cho), Vivvy115(Vivian), Glass13302(Dust/Sooraya Qadir), Firecracker519(Starling/Tiana Toomes), Crazy4thGrader(Moon Girl/Lunella Lafayette), RedScarf1216(Red Dagger/Kareem) & BigBoom209(Bombshell/Lana Baumgartner), they all said they're greetings to you, they talked about what they like until...

NOVANUMBAH1: Are we still on for our sci-fi movie marathon?

PrinceOfPower515: I hope so, but where are we gonna have it this time? We can't use the hideout because of an accident.

Y/N\L/N001: What accident?

Amadeus, Miles, Kamala started to panic from this question.

PrinceOfPower515: A little experiment gone wrong with electronics going...boom

SlothBaby713: Vic you should come!

Y/N\L/N001: I've never been to a movie marathon before, what would there be?

MilesMolasses411: Then you should definitely come then we got: The Fifth Element, Star Wars, Alien, Blade Runner, Back to the Future 1-3, Akira, Total Recall, Mars Attacks, Buckaroo Banzai, ET, Jurassic Park, etc.

Y/N\L/N001: I have never seen nor heard of any of those. 🤷‍♂️

They all go silent for a minute...

MilesMolasses411: WHAT?!?!?

PrinceOfPower515: i am speechless...

SlothBaby713: First you cay you've never owned a phone before now you say you've never seen any of those movies?! You must come to this...

NOVENUMBAH1: This now a matter of national pride. Civic duty

Y/N\L/N001: I don't see why not, I don't have anything else do honestly. I'm still getting used to my new place, it's small but homey.

MilesMolasses411: At least you appreciate what you got, I gotta go now, gotta be at FEAST in a few.

They finally set on a location for their movie marathon and a date. I check online and I see a news article about a prisoner convoy to transfer The Rhino the new raft, I wonder which one this is? It is early for them to the fourth on in space and for this era it's most likely the second one... Maybe I should make sure nothing happens just incase. You put on your suit and fly off to lower Manhattan and notices a heavily armor Tiltrotor Helicopter with a metal container hanging below it containing The Rhino. Inside the container "чертов кускок дерьма, человек-паук, и к черту эту гребаную паутину, и к черту того, кто это написал!" Yep he is mad.

You see that both Spider-Men, along with Ms. Marvel and a Nova soldier are following the container to make sure Rhino doesn't escape, You fly above the helicopter. Right around the old/former Avengers tower the container started to rock from side to side banging into building. Your scanner indicates that a wire is about to break, one of the spider-men tried to web the wire but the wire then cuts, You fly down and catch the container and level it. Both Spider-Men web up the wire back to the container with one crawling over.

Change of Fate (Marvel x Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now