Healing wounds | short

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You were flying home in your suit when you get a call from Kate to ask you a very important question.



"Hello?" Y/N asks as he flies through the air not even three blocks away from.

"H-Hey, Y/N. A-Are you home by any chance?" She sounds out of breath.

"I'm about to be, you sound strange... Are you alright." You ask her starting to worry now. From the sound of it, not really, but it's probably nothing. You reach your window and climb into it.

"U-Um I could use some medical assistance right now." Your eyes grew wide you take off your suit and grab a couple of healing stems and rush over to her door. You begin to knock endlessly on Kate's door.

"It's open." Kate yells and you enter to see her on a chair next to Lucky bleeding from her side with a few other bruises and cut along her leg, arm, basically around her body. You look closer to see her arm is also bloody from a bullet graze.

"It's not as bad as it looks." You go over to her and kneel down to basically where Lucky is and check her wounds, you take out the healing stem. "What's that." 

"This will help." you take off her glove and roll up her sleeve and inject it into her. You here a sound of relief leave her as she begins to heal.

"W-Wow that's actually feels good.... Why do I taste mint?" She sees you just staring at her hand as you were still holding it. Her hand is so soft.

"Y/N." Kate said a little louder, causing him to jolt and turn to her as he lets go of her hand

"S-Sorry, it's just...." you begin to say until you begin to blush a little.


"Anyone ever tell you that you have really soft skin." You say bluntly, Kate blushes a little.

"If your tasting mint, that's just the stem, I added an after flavor to it. cause the original after taste is horrible." You look around the room. "You have a really nice apartment." You feel a tug at your leg and look down to see Lucky. "Hey boy." you go down to pet the one eyed dog.

Kate get up from the chair "Thanks for the heal thing.".

"Healing-Stem." you corrected.

"Uh yeah, I've got left over pizza from lunch you want some?" She notions her hand towards the stops with a pizza box on it "If you want it, but I'm gonna go change out of this." She leaves the room. You stand up and walk over to the stove, opening up the box to find a pizza with cheese, jalapeño and pepperoni.

After a few moments, Kate returns in a purple sweater and sweatpants with slippers to see you scarfing down a slice even though it was cold. "Seems you like pizza." You nod and say.

"It was the first thing I tried here, Miles, Kamala and Sam bought me some." Kate smiled at you.

"Your really close to them aren't you?" Kate asks as she grabs slice of pizza and goes sits down at the table.

"Well yeah, they're the first acquaintances I've had here." You sit down at the table and you see Lucky giving you puppy eyes.

"Only acquaintances, not friends." Kate asks.

You stop eating and stay silent for a moment before speaking "My father always said that friends would get in the way of my work. I never really had friends growing up." Or at least I don't think. You tried to think about it but your head began to hurt a little.

"Well like you said your life is yours to live now, so you can have friends." Kate said with a smile of which caused a feeling in you, it wasn't a bad one, it was actually.....nice.

"Are... we friends?" You ask her, Lucky looks over to her with his head tilt.

"I mean we can if you want." she says to you.

You were hesitant to say something "I-I mean sure.... b-but it's ok if you don't, I-I'm really not familiar-" you began to ramble on until she answered.

"Ok, sure."


"J-Just like that?" you looked at her confused.

"Yep." you then hear Lucky whine a little as she put her paw on your leg.

"What's he doing?"

She chuckles "He wants to be friends." 

"Um, ok" Lucky the smiles at you licking your hand without pizza in it.

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