Assault on The Baxter Building

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Darkness fell on The Baxter Building as the sun set on the city, it had only been 3 hours since The Fantastic Four's introduction and Y/N's reintroduction to Kang The Conqueror and The Kang Dynasty. Y/N laid unconscious in hospital type bed with his hand stump and broken leg were treated and now in a bandage and cast, The Four were treated by HERBIE and the group of heroes gathered by Billy Maximoff, America Chavez and Tommy Maximoff, Reed and Sue quickly healed but Johnny and Ben were critically injured, they sat in beds next to each other. Reed, Sue and Sylvie explained everything that happened, that Y/N is an adoptive variant of Kang, that Sylvie, Hope and Ikol were captured whilst investigating The Kang Dynasty. Mimir was placed on the chair next to Y/N's bed, he wanted to make sure nothing happened to you while you were asleep, he heard the door open to see Kate Bishop.

"Oh, hello." Mimir spoke startling Kate, who was not used to seeing a severed head talk.

"Oh um, hi." Kate pulled up a chair and sat down in front of the bed. "Any changes?" She looked down at him with a sad look.

"No, still unconscious, I've always hated seeing him like this, all the times Kang and those other bastards beat the life out of the boy." Mimir ranted before going silent for a moment. "He never asked for any of this, that sick braggart vámr always forced his views on him, never had a single chance to choose what he wanted. Well, until he decided to run."

"I've only somewhat known him for a short time, but I know that he is a good person and is nothing like this Kang guy." Kate assured him and herself that Y/N is not like that.

"I couldn't agree more. What is he to you anyway?" Mimir asked her.

"We live across from each other."

"Ah. Well, tell me, since I'm am now confined to this universe, tell me is Asgard still around?"

"Um, last I heard that Asgard got destroyed and all the Asgardians moved to Norway and called it New Asgard, It's run by Thor now." Kate told her which he was a little surprised of.

"Thor is king? Not surprising, I guess that means Odin is gone then too." Mimir felt a little sad to know that his brother was dead in this universe too but was happy to hear that his nephew was still alive.

With the group

"This is insane." Miles stated, he paced with his mask off. Kamala was pacing in sync with Miles as she to believed this to be insane.

"Why would Y/N lie to us? And what's with the talking head?" Sam asked standing infront of his two friends as they paced. Billy, America, Tommy and Cassie sat on a bench outside Y/N's room. Billy was trying to call Doctor Strange and Wong but no one was answering.

"Yes, 'Hello, I'm the variant of a egotistical genocidal maniac, how about you?' would be a very good first thing to say when meeting people and I'm not sure about the head either." Hope said deadpanned, sitting across from them next to Ikol and Alligator Loki, holding onto a katana, while Sylvie stood against the wall. The young heroes looked at her awkwardly. "What?"

Kamala walked slowly walked over to her "Um, we haven't actually met." She tried to lighten the mood, presenting her hand to Hope. "I'm Kamala but I'm known as Ms. Marvel." Hope is confused at this notion, she slowly raises her hand and shakes Kamala's hand.







"Hope Summers."

"And you?" Kamala asked Ikol while he is cradling the alligator like a child.

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