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Kang: Aha, they said I could never teach a Kangaroo to drive!

Kangaroo screaming while driving a Lamborghini.

Kang: No Kanga no!

Kanga drives off a cliff


Sam Alexander/Nova runs up to Y/N.

Sam: You gotta help me man! My tie is evil and it's gonna kill meeeeee!

Y/N slowly backs away from Nova.

Sam: Please don't hurt me😢

tie laughs evilly.


Y/N: Hey-

America punches Y/N

Y/N: Ah what the hell is wrong with you?!



Kate: I baked you a pie!

Y/N: Oh boy. What flavor?

Kate: Pie flavor.

A smaller pie bursts out of the pie with cool music playing


Miles: Oh no, I spilled my milk.

Kamala: You've killed us all!

Miles: NOOOOOOOoooooo........

Miles and Kamala begin to gurgle at the milk filling the room.


America: Hey man look at my new dog.

Tommy: Oh yeah, that's pretty cool- Ah there's no dog there!




Miles rams into Y/N as he drops his bowl of salad on the table and Miles begins to punch it.

Y/N: What is wrong with you? Stop it! Cut it out man, I don't want it!


Kamala: Pfff, screw gravity.

Kamala begins to float upwards as Kate and America look in amazement.


Miles is still punching Y/N's salad

Y/N: No! What is happening? Why would you do this? I can't even-




Doctor Strange: Now son, don't touch that cactus.

Wiccan magnetically attaches to the cactus.

Doctor Strange: You're dead to me.


Y/N begins to punch Miles as Miles is still punching Y/N's salad.


Spider-Man: I like trains.

Peter then proceeds to be hit by a train.


Kate: It's so nice out here.

Y/N: Yeah, it's just me, you and the moon.

Change of Fate (Marvel x Male Reader) [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now