What. The. Baby. Hell. Is. Going. On.

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[pic : Kyle Williams]




   Turned out it was Justin's voice shouted at Kyle. "WHAT THE HELL YOU JUST DID TO MY SISTER". 

   And with that the potato flew across the room.

   Nah, actually it was a fist. Justin's fist directed to Kyle's delicate baby looking face. And let the fight begin. Because I was still shocked of what just happened, it took some time for me to process what was going on in front of me.

   By the time when my sense was kicking in, I tried to separate them. While I was trying my best, the drunk Selena waltzed into the dance room.

   "Justin, baby, why are you punching Kyle". Okay, Selena, my best-friend, called my brother baby? WHAT. THE. BABY. HELL. IS. GOING. ON.

   And with that, Justin let Kyle go from his grasp, and looked at me with the 'please listen to my explanation' kinda look.

   But being such a drama girl I was, I pulled Kyle with me, and took him to the nearest room.

   "Please please Sonya listen to me first, she and i-". Justin stuttered, he tried to amend the situation, but I really did not need to listen to his explanation that moment, I had to take care of Kyle first.

   "Save it Justin, explain it to me later, all i want to do now is take care of Kyle okay". I gave Justin my tired face and neutral tone. I did not want him to think that I put Kyle first before him.

   "BUT HE JUST KI—". I interrupted Justin because that guy was one hell of a stubborn brother.

   "I DON'T GIVE A DAMN WHAT JUST HAPPENED, ALL I CARE ABOUT IS HIS WELL BEING, AND YOU BETTER START TO MAKE SELENA SOBER". I had no choice other than shouted at him. I just wanted him to take me seriously, so I did what I had to do.

    With that settled quite nicely, I stormed off the dance room with Kyle. He was half conscious, I guessed.

   "Hey s-sunssy, i'-mm so-wry i-". Tipsy and in pain. Just peachy.

   "Kyle hey, it's okay. Now sit down i'm going to take some stuff to clean you up". I ordered Kyle.

    He stayed in the room while I was out looking for first kit aid. If he was wandering around the house it would be a hard thing for me to do. Thank god he did not.

   The search for the med kit, was a hard mission. But finally i got it. I went back to the room, and saw Kyle sleeping.

   I came closer to him, and looked at his face. The eye & jaw was swollen. At least no broken nose or bones. I knew that because there was no any blood from his nose.

   I started to clean the cuts, and dry blood around his eyes. When I gave the alcohol to the cuts, i woke him up. LOL. No I did not literally laughing, because it would be truly inappropriate.

   "Ouch, it stings". Kyle's hand immediately touched his own face.

   "Do you want me to finish this quickly or no?". I acted as the mean nurse, because hey, his health was the priority.

   "Okayokay, do your job maam". And with that he fell back asleep again, not instantly but finally.

   I finished cleaning him up. When I was about to put the med kit beside the bed, Kyle grabbed my waist and pulled me to sleep with him.

   "Kylee what are you doing?". I did not squirm because we usually sleepover at each other's house. I was just curious if he was gonna say something in his tipsy state.

   "I need a sleep buddy, and I need a driver to brings me back to home tomorrow". He slightly smirked with his eyes closed. He smirked because he referred me as the driver.

   "Whatever helps you buddy, lets sleep". I just nestled my head below his chin and listened to his heart beat.

   And I never forgot to text my mom. I told her that I was having a sleepover at Becca's house.

   Like always, she replied, "becareful, tomorrow you have to get back to home in one piece"

   And with that, I was sleeping peacefully in Kyle's arm.




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