We're Done

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   Since i'm soo curious, i go to justin's bedroom.

   I open justin's door and found him laying on his bed while reading a book. Yeah, reading a book. Never underestimate him. He may look like a freakin gym lovers, but inside, he's a mushy.

   "Hey tintin"i walk to his bed and sit near him.

   "Can we talk?" when i ask that to him, he lifted up his face from the book.

   "Ssup sonny?" his face twisted to a very confused and curious emotion. Well here goes nothing. I hope i can record this moment and put it on youtube, so me and him would be famous and finally we can have our own talk show "Brother & Sissy Talk Show" how great is that.

   Okay sonya, cleared out those sarcasm from your brain and be serious now.

   "Well i want to talk about why you and selena want to meet at jake's party" his eyes open wide when he heard me say this, and when he about to speak, i gave him 'one minute please' hand gesture. I continue my talk.

   "I just don't know why you chose that place, since you know my past with him, and i know you and him don't have a very bro relationship, so i'm just confused why from all the places in world, you chose his place?" i tried to keep my voice emotionless, and it worked, even tho i have to say those lines in one breath.

   "Okay, i'm going to explain it to you, and i hope you won't be mad at me okay?" he mark his book page and close it, and this time he look at me seriously, but there's some regret emotion flicking through his eyes, so before he try to speaks i hold his cheeks with both of my hands and say this to him.

   "No matter what choices you made that moment, it's alright, it's in the past already, so i won't mad at you okay justin? i only want some explanation that's all" i smiled genuinely to him, and by this action i know he become more less tense than before.

   "Thank you sonny" he kiss my forehead and reposturing himself before he's going to tell me his story.

   "Okay, so basically at first i chose his place because i know, no one will find me there. And plus i thought selena only bring herself, but then she chose to took you too. And even tho i hate jake for what he did to you, i still go to his party because i like the booze and he never caught me on his party" justin smile sheepishly when he said "the booze", now i know why, i just want to forget about it and carry on my future, it's just don't too important for me to think about it all the time.

   I'm the type of know and forget, like give no shit. Because life is like that, life don't stop when you have problem, they keep moving, so i should follow it. Give no shit, have a simple and free-pain life.

   "Okay, thank you for your explanation justin, and don't forget pack your suitcase, tomorrow at 8 we're going to airport" i pat his head when i'm about to stand up, and leave his bedroom.

   "Yes maam" he scream when i left his bedroom, and i chose to strolling to two other brothers i have to inform them about the tomorrow event.

   I chose to go to jerome's room first since it's next to justin's. I open the door and being too lazy me, i scream "TOMORROW FLIGHT AT 9PM, READY TO GO AT 8PM, PACK YOUR SUITCASE, NIGHT JERRY"

   Yeah, his nickname is jerry, and basically it's because he's like a jerry and me being a tom. When i scream, he abruptly toss his phone to the air, while he put his hand on his heart, he looks like having a heart attack, because of me.

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