Chapter 1: His Return

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The Darkling stood towering over me like a statue, a hand gripping my neck. Not tight enough to kill, but enough to feel the awful waves of pain.

"Alina, you have consistently ruined my plans. Despite it, I have grant you forgiveness each time you return. This time, I won't treat you as merciful. Mark my words." Then he dissipated.

I sit straight up on bed shivering in fear, feeling my neck for any sign of damage the Darkling may left behind. Nothing. It was all a dream. It's fine, everything's fine. The Darkling is dead, he can't choke me during midnight. Mal wakes up, finding me covered in sweat. Eyes probably big as saucers.

"Alina, it's alright. None of this is real. he's dead, he won't come and hurt us," Mal says soothingly, pulling me close to him. I bury my face into his chest and whimper, "It felt so real Mal. To think of it, I've been having dreams about him almost every night. What if he really-"

"No," Mal said firmly, "he can't just wake from the dead, it's impossible. And even if he did, I'll be here to protect you."

Hearing his words calm me making me feel safe immediately, I lean on his chest, enjoying his company. The morning light shines through the thick red curtains. Light I can no longer control. Losing my power was like losing a dear friend, a powerful ally, a part of myself. The first few days were hard to get by, old habits had taken shape. Fortunately, I had Mal to guide me through. Mal is more than my power, Mal is my soulmate and dearest husband. I can sacrifice anything to kill the darkling but him.

Mall hugged me closer, kissing my forehead. I sighed in content, this was the life I always wanted. The life I loath for. The life I get. I smiled selfishly and cuddled against him. He was all mine.


The morning was unusually quiet when I descended down the stairs. The usual chatter and children's laugh was replaced by dead silence, there was not a person to be seen. What happened, Where are the kids and staff? Confused, I searched around for any sign of life, I stopped when I got to the kitchen. Peter, an eight year old whose parents were killed by the Darling, curled up in a dark corner with a kitchen knife in his hands. His brown eyes dilated, entire body shook violently, he looked terrified.

"Peter, what's wrong?" I asked, stepping closer, "Put down the knife, it's dangerous," I explained. He didn't reply, seeming too aghast. I sighed and plucked the knife from his hand.

"Peter, look at me," his eyes turned to me, "where is everyone?"

"Gone, gone, like mama and papa."

"What? You must be kidding, no one can kidnap so much without a sound. Mal and I would've heard," I exclaimed, a bit desperate. Please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him.

Peter shook his head, "Go out, see for yourself."

His words frightened me. Panicked, I ran back up the stair calling out for Mal. Looking inside the bathroom, Mal was no wear to be seen. Strange, he still bathing when I went downstairs, could he have-

I ran back down stairs. through the newly furnished dining and living hall, then bursts out the double doors. Please don't let it be him, please don't let it be him.

A blood curling scream escaped my throat at the sight of the familiar horrifying scene before me. The great oak tree in front of the orphanage dripped red with fresh blood. Tree branches pierced through the necks of teachers, cooks, cleaners of the orphanage. Their body hung onto the tree, blood constantly dripped like it was blood droplets covered the children tied below, their wailing grew louder as they saw me, "Anila, save us!" They shouted, tears and blood covering their grim faces. I will, I wanted to shout, but I was left to stunned to speak as I observed the rest of the scene.

Grisha and soldiers surrounded the orphanage, faces blank of emotion, no concerns for the workers of a filthy orphanage. A cold hard laugh escaped behind the tree, every one of my muscle tensed. That laugh, I heard it a hundred times, so familiar, but impossible! He was-

The darkling appeared behind the colossal tree, he looked as beautiful as ever, taking graceful long strides towards me. My heart stopped.

"No warm welcome? Three years changed you a lot Alina. From most noble Grisha to filthy peasant, aren't you upset with this life?" His smooth cold voice was light and calm, which made my blood boil.

"Aren't you dead, What made you think we want you back?" I said through gritted teeth as the tears dripped down my face. So many dead, the Darkling always seemed to enjoy that.

His expression did not change, only motioning someone forward, my heart jumped at the sight of Mal.

"Mal, you're alright!" I cried, attempting to reach him. The Darkling swiftly grabbed me by the back of my collar, pulling me against his chest.

"We're not done yet," He hisses, a dark edge to his voice.

"Get your hands off me!" I yelled, struggling against his firm grip. He didn't let go, but only pulled me closer. I stopped struggling when Mal reached our side, his expression unreadable as ever.

"Mal, what's going on?" I asked concerned, wiping my tear stained face. Mal avoided me gaze.

"I'm sorry Alina, we can't do this."

"W-what" I stuttered.

"The Darkling gave me two choices. Either have me turn you in, or he'll have me and the rest of the orphanage slaughtered," He didn't sound like himself as he spoke. I could barely comprehend what he was saying. Mal Betrayed me? The words stung more than knives piercing through my heart.

"You should've told me, we would've escaped!" I shouted, breaking down into sobs. This was too much for me: The deaths, the Darkling's returned, Ma's betrayal. Everything was fine just last night.

"We can't escape from him Alina, he found us almost right away in Novyi Zem, remember?" Mal roared, a little of himself back. But no, this was no longer the Mal I knew. The Mal I know would never betray me, he would fight for me no matter what.

"You said you would protect me, did you forget already?" I whispered, my voice broken by the very man who calls me his wife.

He looked away, his own tears started to pour, "This is the only way for you to stay safe Alina. I-I can't protect you no longer. The Darkling can. I'm sorry but this is all I could do, goodbye Alina," He uttered out, voice as broken as mine. Then he ran, away from the orphanage and into the woods.

"Mal, no!" I yelled after him, yet he was long gone. Somewhere inside the woods crying. Anger flared, I fought viciously against the Darkling's grip, "you did this to him, it is all you fault it always was! Destroying everything I have," I cried slumping on the floor, absolutely shattered.

The Darkling barely spared glanced at me, "Get her to the carriage," He commanded, and left me sobbing on the soft bloody grass.

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