Chapter 3: Ritual

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Dry sand covered the futile land: the fold is desert sucked dry of life. The middays Sun glared brightly, concurrent with the hot weather made my mouth scorched dry. I licked my lips, feeling the rough skin peel off.

The Darkling drank more than an abundant amount of water from a water skin, making sure I saw every drop he gulped down. I glowered at him, yet he only feigned a addled frown as a response. The Darkling is the Darkling, always. Cruel. Merciless. A sadist.

I looked away from his disgustingly attractive face, checking on Mal instead. He was still walking in utter exhaustion, but fortunately, they had a Healer seek his wounds. The black eye and broken fingers appear to be completely cured, the scratch and bruises remain, although the worser ones were taken care of. Hm, maybe he wasn't treated as bad as I thought. His hand gripped tight to a weird circular shaped item, revelation dawned on me as I realized it was a-

A water skin.

The anger course through me, gripping onto the sides of the plush velvet seat, I made myself turn and face the Darkling, resisting to give him a well-deserved punch in the gut. My mind couldn't process he treated Mal, a filthy mortal to him, better than me.

"Waterskin," I ordered, placing a hand out.

The Darkling furrowed his eyebrow, "What would you give me in return then?"

"What?" I asked in confusion. What do I have left he can't get?

The Darkling looked almost irritated, "My items are not free Alina. You need to pay, if you've ever been to a market instead of snuggling in bed with your Otkazat'sya, you would understand."

My cheeks flushed tomato, had he been spying on us when we're in our bedroom? I casually crossed my arms, staring deep into those striking silver eyes, "I have no money."

He shrugged, "Then you have no water," Then went back to drinking.

Having enough with his nonsense, I pounced on the Darkling, attempting the wrestle the water skin from his strong grip. His lips quirk up into an amused smile as he held the waterskin out of my reach, his other arm slid around my waist, pulling my hands behind my back and pushing me towards his chest. I was unwillingly cradled into his lap fumed with anger, he chuckled like he was having the time of his life.

"What do you want? I have no money, nothing expensive, and nothing you don't already have of me!" I growled, giving him my best death stare.

The Darkling leaned in so his lips barely brushed against my forehead, "I don't agree on the last part, Alina, there is something you haven't given me yet," his voice was so delicate and soft, how could this enchanting voice belong to a monster? For a second, I stared at him in awe, captivated by his charisma. Realizing what I was doing, I hastily pulled back, snapped back into reality. He still hasn't given me a drop of water, definitely too inhuman to be in contact with.

The Darkling, instead of forcing me closer, let go of my hands and passed me the waterskin. The smallest smile playing on his lips as he eyed me with curiosity, waiting for my reaction. I took it with brief hesitation, "Why, I thought you wanted something  from me in return?" I questioned, kindness wasn't in his domain. Unless he's trying to manipulate me like the time back at Little Palace.

He turned away, staring out into the endless sea of sand, "Yes I do, and I know you would certainly give it to me someday, I vow it, we are meant to be. Time is only a factor."

He wants my heart.

But I've already given it to Mal.


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