Chapter 8: Hopeless

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I paced back and forth in the lavish room, unable to go back to sleep. The full moon is in a week, so seven days to get David, Genya and Mal out of here. After, we'll have to find Zoya, somehow free her from the fold, then flee to Kerch.

I sighed, there was no way we can find all of them in such a short time span. Aleksander would have them well hidden, especially David, considering how useful he is. Even if we did somehow find them, how would we get them out without getting caught red handed? Sure, my powers can hide us temporarily, but they'll have people hunting us down no time. And I have no doubt Aleksander would join the hunt as soon as he returns.

My hand slides down to the ring in my pocket, if we needed to find the others, Luda and Isaak would be great use, except I have no idea where they could be or their appearance. It's a hopeless case.

I slid the ring out of my pocket without much thought, slowly examining it: it was an ordinary ring, beautiful but nothing extraordinary compared to the ones in the Palace. It seems like the type of engagement ring Mal would propose me with...if he had the money.

My eyes lit up, I slid the ring onto my ring finger. Others would think its an engagement ring, however if Isaak or Luda notices...Aha! Isaak's position as a  guard could easily help us figure out where the others are hidden, as for Luda, she must have she specialties. They would be great support.

I silently chuckled to myself as I gleefully slid into bed, finally able to sleep.


"Miss, I know your upset, but you must eat something."

I ignore Marisha, continuing to stare into empty space.


"Enough!" I grabbed a nearby vase, smashing it near Marisha's feet, the floral vase shattered into millions of pieces. I try not to cringe as bloody scratches began to appear at Marisha's ankles, I'll apologize later.

"Have you forgotten who you serve, Marisha? Do you think you're better than me to tell me what to do?" I glared at the other servants, who all scurried out in a matter of seconds.

Marisha turned around and hastily shut the door before locking it.

"Alright what new idea do you have?" she questioned, looking bored. If I wasn't so worried, I may as well be offended by her little comment.

I quickly explained the outlines of my plan, desperately hoping she'll find it good enough to be used, time is ticking Alessandro would be back in a matter of days. Once I finished. she slowly nodded in approval. "It may work, however, the King has eyes all over the kingdom. It wouldn't be appropriate for you to run all over the palace without arising suspicion."

I raised a brow, "I did exactly that when I was searching for you, besides, do you have any better suggestions?"

Her sly smile widened, "As a matter of fact, I do," she said, then whispered her idea to me.


My arm still stung from the burn marks, but Marisha insisted. How else will people believe you were furious? She'd previously said, easy for her to say, she wasn't the one being burned. In fact, she's probably relaxing in my room right now, ordering a cup of refreshing ice tea while pretending to me.

My leg ached from the miles upon miles of walking, making sure everyone noticed my ring. Some people offered congratulations while others just gawked. I can't help but assume the Marisha they knew getting married seemed impossible.

Finally, after hours of walking, a familiar form caught my attention. My heart jumped to my throat. The confident stroll, muscular form, hands constantly fiddling. Before I was able to control myself, my hands automatically grabbed his arm, pulling him to a dark corridor.

"Nikolai, is that you?" my voice quivered.

The man in front of me looked traumatized, before quickly composing himself and bowed, "Miss, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I am not the previous king," he said, choosing his words carefully.

My heart dropped, all the sudden I come back to my senses. The man in front of me had green eyes, brown hair, entirely different facial features from Nikolai. How had I even mix them up? He is a guard! I knocked my brain a few times, all that walking made me senseless.

"I'm very sorry sir, you can go back to your duties," I said politely, putting my left hand on his shoulder.

He froze at the sight of my hand.

"What is it?" I asked in concern.

The man gently took my hand into his, closely observing my ring, before dropping to one knee.

"Sankta Alina," his voice trembled, "Do you happen to have contact with...the general?"

The silence was deafening, but I heard none of it, only the rushing of adrenaline growing faster by the moment, "Isaak?" I asked cautiously.

He nodded, "It is me Sankta, at your service."

The weight on my shoulders lifted as I helped him up, "How did you know it was me? My tailored face is impeccable."

Isaak gently smiled, "Marisha and I were hand chosen by General Zoya, I know for a fact she would neither mistaken me for Nikolai nor wear the General's ring."

I nodded in understandment, I would have to do a better job acting next time, "There's no time to explain, Isaak. All you have to know is Zoya is trapped. In order to escape, we have to get Genya, David and Mal to make a run for it. Understood?"

His smile was quickly wiped off his face, "That's not possible Sankta."

"Alina," I corrected, "And what do you mean it isn't possible?"

Isaak shifted nervously, "They aren't trapped in a regular prison, but the Yacheyka Stabil'nosti."

"Yacheyka Stabil'nosti," The unfamilar words rolled off my tongue, "What is that suppose to be?"

"A special prison to ensure none of them get out alive. The prison is made like a scale, except if one person leaves, the scale will tip and the other person would fall to their death."

"In other words, if we get them out in the exact same time, there may be a chance?" I asked hopefully.

Isaak shook his head, "It's heavily guarded by both the first and second army, you can't save them Sankta, in fact you don't even know where it is."

"Alina," I said through frustration, "We might still succeed. With Marisha, Luda, you and I, we may have a chance. Besides, I may not know where the prison is, but you however must," I pointed out.

Isaak considered this, "There isn't enough people my lady, the scale only contains two of your friends, the third one is trapped elsewhere. If we divide our forces, we'll only be weaker. And unfortunately, I was never told where the prison is located, only the Darkling's personal soldiers are aware of that."

I felt my world getting crushed into pieces, we are doomed. "Do you at least know where Luda is?" I whispered, trying to hard to contain my emotions.

I swore I saw a tear roll down his cheek when he said, "Alluda Nicks is dead."

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