Chapter 6: Vision

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"It's only been a week and you already miss me, Alina?" The new King's smile was anything but sincere.

I step towards Aleksander, letting the similar taunting smile hang from my lips, "Not so much actually-" Aleksander's smile went rigid. "However, I didn't anticipate to meet a wounded king hiding from the public," I said, Sprinkling salt on the open wound. I nudged my head at his bare abdomen, where the gash previously took place before fully healed. To look powerful is to be powerful, even I understand that. The tiniest wound on a great warrior will make one seem weak in the eyes of public.

Aleksander swat away the comment with a wave of his hand, "A fair trade compare to the ending result, you'll see soon enough, I promise you that." He slid on his black kefta. I let out a silent sigh of relief as his chest is covered.

"What are end results? And what trade, you always take the upperhand, there is no way this is a fair trade," I hissed.

His lips curled into a smile, "Clever girl, you want to know?" His arm slid across my waist, pulling me down next to him on the sofa. I felt my body heat up as he leaned closer. Time slowed when his mouth met my earlobe.

"Divorce the otkazat'sya," he whispered.

I shoved him away, "No way in Hell I'll divorce Mal, you can keep your little secrets to yourself!" I screeched, turning my back on him.

Aleksander stood, pulling me up to face him. His hand secured on my face so I couldn't look away, "Are you so sure Alina, don't tell me you think the boy would live peacefully under my mercy. Divorce him, and maybe I might let him go," his eyes searched mine, trying to look for a hint of doubt, but I stood my ground.

"I already told you I won't. I love him and-"

His lips crushed mine before I could say anymore, "he does not love you, he's a traitor, he betrayed you and scurried to my side when he had the chance," he says between kisses, "only I belong with you, no one else." I tried to shake my head, but Aleksander's grip on my face only tightens. I say nothing, unable to stop this all. My body feels like it has a mind of its own, and I can't control it. One hand slides around my waist, pulling me against his hard chest. "So what do you say Alina?" He asked, his fervent lips devouring mine.

"No," I answered, completely hypnotized.

Aleksander pulled away all of the sudden, his eyes hardened to cold grey stone," then he will be burned on a pyre, the way his kind does to us." My delirious expression dropped into utter shock.

"No you won't, you can't just-"

Aleksander dug his hand into my shoulder, making me wince, "If you have forgotten Alina, I am a King. I answer to know one and certainly not you. And remember, the otkazat'sya is nothing but the dirt you step on compared to people like us," his words reflect his well hidden fury. I couldn't take it anymore.

"You monster! Why must you take everything from me? Mal is the only person who truly loves me, he is all I have left after you stripped me from my life into you realm of darkness!" Angry tears streak down my face, my entire body was shaking from rage, about to break any second.

Aleksander's eyes soften, "Alina, I am only doing what I must to bring you back to my side. You think I enjoy to see you suffer? Because I don't. It pains me as much as yourself. But what must be done will be done. With us unified, we can save Ravka from it's downfall, bring peace among our people, create an actual haven for Grisha. We are meant to be Alina, both of us contains a piece of the making at the heart of the world binding us together." The shadows leaked from his arms, threatening to engulf me.

I looked down at the floor obscured my shadows, letting small amounts of light pour from my palms, "And when I leave him," my voice was barely a rasp, but the King was able to hear.

"He will be sent away and all your questions would be answered. You would be given a spot in court. I vow it," his cool voice had an edge of warmth, making me want to believe his every word. Fortunately for me, I knew better.

"Are you're promises worth anything? Last time I checked, you promised safety and haven to all Grisha, and as soon as they turn on you, you killed them all." To prove my point. I ticked off some names. "Zoya, Genya, David, all of them pledged their life to you, and what did you do in return? Destroy them all."

The King of Darkness looked merely affected, "When you're as experienced as me, you would do the same. Don't deny it, you crave for power just like me. I saw the hungry gleam in your eyes on our way to the fold," the tranquility in his voice was as taunting as ever, giving me to urge to snap his neck. I refrained, knowing this was only a vision, nothing else. I couldn't hurt him, not yet.

"At least I don't murder my own people," I said instead, avoiding his argument. Yes, I was ecstatic to get back my summoning, but I use my powers for the better, while Aleksander uses his for destruction. No use to explain that to someone without a conscious.

He let out an exhausted sigh, "Decide, Alina. I have other matter to tend to."

"Alright, only for Mal's safety. And I find out you've been lying-"

"Yes yes, he's be fine," He said with a wave of his hand, an evident flicker of satisfaction did not escape my eyes.

"And one more thing."

Aleksander looked at me, waiting.

"The healer that just tended you, Marisha, I want her to be my personal healer."

Aleksander slowly nodded, "It will be done, is that it?"

I nodded.

"We'll meet again by the next full moon, my little sunshine," he says, planting a kiss on my cheek before his hand slashed down with the cut. A slight chill ran up my spine as I faded, returning back to my true self.

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