Chapter 9: Blood Rose

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Luda is dead. Probably killed by Aleksander.

I walk back in silence, taking in deep breaths while silently consulting myself: we'll figure something out eventually, even though deep down I know there's no way out of this mess, I found myself unable to let go of hope. My only argument is if we took down Aleksander before, how hard could it be escaping him?

Almost impossible given the circumstances.

I sighed in frustration, drawing the attention of several servants as they walked past me, carrying trays overfilling with silver ribbons. One maid whispered something to the others, causing them all to start a fit of giggles while giving me the side eye.

"Do you have a problem with the Sankta's personal healer?" We all turned to the vaguely familiar voice.

Yuri stands confidently wearing an oversized robe with the Darkling's sign splattered across. He smiles eerily, sending goosebumps across my arms. Fortunately for me, his creepy smile fades as soon as the servant who whispered to her friends opens her mouth.

"Yuri, keep your crooked nose in your sacred scriptures, save us some peace. We do not need your presence here," She said, narrowing her eyes.

Yuri looked almost baffled, "I'm the Apparat, you cannot-"

"-Oh Saints, you still don't get it do you Yuri, are you blind to the deeds of the previous Apparat? He's a deceitful traitor given too much power, betrayed his people, hindered the entire country. You really believe the King would risk giving you so much power only for you to screw up? You're only a figurehead, Yuri. In fact, I believe you had more power when you were a petty Monk than now."

Yuri's pale face flushed tomato red, his knuckles clenched tightly at his sides. Lips trembling in anger.

Before he could speak, a pretty white blonde maid quickly stepped between the two, "I apologize for my friend's behavior sir, Kira has been lately upset as her brother is in interrogation. Please forgive her insolents," she ended with a polite curtsy.

The other girl, Kira, grabbed her arm, yanking her away from between them, "No need to apologize to a figurehead, Annika. He does not deserve it," Kira said boldly.

Yuri exploded, "Guards, throw her into the arena," Arena? Since when was there an arena?, "make sure to unleash the most gruesome creatures upon her! And-"

The entire hallway hushed as a large hand patted Yuri's shoulder. The man whom appeared from seemingly nowhere was dressed head to toe in silver armor. As his set of striking blue eyes scanned the crowd, it came to a pause on mine. I slowly shifted my gaze to the floor, hand constantly fumbling in nervousness. After a few painful seconds, his gaze finally shifted back to Yuri.

"Yuri, I do not care for whatever trouble you are to cause, but keep in mind the Darkling's is returning soon. Save the trouble for later."

Yuri's flushed face drained of color, his knees shook wildly, appearing to hit the floor any second, "Ah yes, of course General Dmitri. Such wise decision the Starless One will be impressed-" I , "-by, then it will be. I'll have her thrown into the Yacheyka Stabil'nosti until then."

My entire world froze. Marisha previously mentioned something about using another's face to enter the prison, I imagined her to tailor herself as a guard. But this, she  is practically sacrificing herself.

"No, do not imprison the girl."

The entire crowd turned to me. Waiting for what I had in store, which was so far, nothing. I swallowed hard.

"And why is that, Marisha?" General Dmitri said lowly.

"I-Sankta would not approve, she-"

"Of course your Sankta wouldn't approve, and she's right, the girl is not worthy of such honorable prison. Throw her in with the bandits instead, I think she'll enjoy the company very much."

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