Chapter 10: Sacrifice

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The Darkling leaned against the trunk of the tree, shadows swirled around his hand as he gently cupped my cheek, I smack it away.

"What have you done?" I said through gritted teeth as the tears fell. Surprises wasn't part of the plan. But at the same time, how could I not know? The Darkling isn't the kind to lay out the truth.

"We had a agreement," he didn't bothered to hide his satisfied smirk, "You broke your end, why should I keep mine?"

I felt my entire body burn with anger, waves of light flared from my body, "No you were who ended deal when Mal was put into that prison."

The Darkling raised an amused brow, "I did?"

My blood went cold. I never actually heard of a Yacheyka Stabil'nosti back before Nikolai was ruling, and the Darkling only ruled for at most a few months. To construct such an elaborate prison without a word slip through would be very unlikely. Moreover, if the majority was loyal to the Darkling...I shook my head, Isaak was on my side, right? Unless he was also told the false news.

"There was never a Yacheyka Stabil'nosti," I uttered out, staring at him like a fool.

His lip curled into a cruel half smile, "That's my little clever Alina, took you long enough."

"You still ended the deal," I protested, "Mal's was never freed."

"Correction: I released the traitor the night we struck the deal, I stationed him here only a few hours before you and that ragtag group decided on you little plan," he said the word with such distaste.

I feel my own stupidity punching in the face, why had I trust everyone so easily? I took a deep shivering breath, trying not to break down again.

"Why me?" I asked, failing once again to control my tears, "There were so many pretty sun summoners that will obey you. Nonetheless, you chose the bland girl that would never give a fuck about you, why?"

"Oh my sweet Alina," The Darkling cooed, "You are the original, the true sun summoner, I would never glance at those replicas over you. You're the sun and I'm your shadow. We are meant to be. Wherever I go, you will follow," he leaned in closer, "And don't you ever think again of escaping. I will strip you of everything you have until I'm your only shelter. I would hate if we get to that point, but I won't think twice on making that happen if you make me."

I can almost see myself, wide eyed, pale little girl staring into the shadow of the devil itself.

"Alina?" A weak voice croaked out. I turned towards Mal, whose puddle of blood expanded three times to volume already.

"Mal," I cried out, burying his face into my chest.

"Alina, save me, do anything for me," he looked at me with those pitiful eyes filled with tears that made me want to cry all over again.

"You know I would Mal, I'll for you if I can."

Mal nodded, his eye lids drooping, "That's my obedient wife, " he muttered out before falling into unconsciousness.

"Mal, Mal!" I stuck my ear to his chest, feeling relief at the sound of his heartbeat.

The Darkling chuckled from behind, "You'd rather play obedient wife than queen of Ravka?"

I ignored his little remark, "Let him and my friends go, I'll do anything for you. I swear on Mal's life."

The Darkling grabbed my shoulders, pulling me close so our faces was merely inches apart, "You swear?" His devious smile was replaces by a solemn look.

I hesitated but nodded, this is all I could do left. Sorry Mal, I thought, this is the ends of our love.

"If you insist," The Darkling's lips twisted into another satisfied smile. He pulled out a tree branch from the pocket of his kefta. Thorn wood, I realized.

"Stretch out your wrist and repeat after me," He ordered. I did as told.

He stuck his own, and in one swift movement, slit both our wrists so blood pours.

"YA, Alina Starkova, dayu Aleksandru Morozovoy svobodu emotsiy, deystviy i mysley."

"YA, Alina Starkova, dayu Aleksandru Morozovoy svobodu emotsiy, deystviy i mysley," I repeated, feeling the strange sense of calmness washed over me.

"On budet dopushchen v moy soznatel'nyy razum, i ya budu vechno yemu podchinyat'sya."

"On budet dopushchen v moy soznatel'nyy razum, i ya budu vechno yemu podchinyat'sya," I found myself staring into the Darkling's stunning grey eyes, the sharp curve of his jaw, smooth skin. He was such a beauty to look at.

"Klyanus' svoyey dushoy."

"Klyanus' svoyey dushoy," I repeated before closing the space between us. Why was I so desperate chasing after Mal, a mere traitor when Aleksander and I was meant to be? I giggled at the thought as I felt his tongue entering. His strong arms wrapped around my body so I could no longer feel the morning chill.

All the sudden, the moment of pleasure was gone. I shoved him back, shivering in total fright of what I'd done.

"What did you make me repeat?" I asked horrified.

"I, Alina starkov, give Aleksander Morozova my freedom of emotion, action and thought. He will be allowed into my conscious mind and I would forever obey him. I swear upon my soul."

In the clutches of my terror, time warps and elongates, moments stretch into eternities. Each heart beat feels like an agonizing reminder of my vulnerability. I stepped back, tripping on the thorn wood so I fell onto the soft wet grass, "You tricked me!" I accused.

"I would disagree, you said you'll do anything for your little mortal, so here it is. I hope you don't think your sacrifice is worth it, I certainly wouldn't. Now now, I think I liked you better a moment before with your arms around me," his eyes glinted with thirst as I was once again, thrust into a world of hypnotizing forced pleasure.

Yeah...I definitely though this chapter was a bit of a cringe. But I wrote it in one go, so that's that. Sorry for not updating, I had some studying to do for finals. But now summer started so I'm back on Wattpad.

-Your awesome writer

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