-Part Seventeen-

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Song- As the World Caves In -Matt Maltese-

POV Neteyam

The last thing I saw was Kyoshi fighting. Air filled my lungs and I kept it there holding my breath as we went underwater. My vision got blurry and I looked to my waist seeing the bandage which was once white and now red wrapped tightly around my waist. I looked down as they rode to a stone. We got to the surface and they all pulled me on the stone.

"Dad!" I heard Lo'ak's voice shout in worry.

I saw there mouths moving but I couldn't figure out the words. They carefully put me on top of the stone making sure to be extra careful with my head. I looked up and was met with my fathers face. It showed full of worry as he looked at my wound.

"I got you bro." Lo'ak said to me pushing on my wound making me hiss in pain.

It was getting dark and I looked at the ship. Kyoshi. How is she? Is she hurt? Is she winning? Losing? God all sort of questions crossed my mind.

"Kyoshi." I managed to whisper out.

They heard me and and looked at the ship. Then suddenly a big creature showed up out of the water. It was a Tulkan! It landed on the ship making it break. A lot of bullets where fired at the creature but it fought back. I looked at the creature and notice that it's vin was cut off so it was some kind of stump.

"Payakan." Lo'ak and I said at the same time.

"My son!" I heard my moms voice say.

I looked to my left and I saw my mom got off her Ikran. As soon as she saw my wound her eyes widened.

"Neteyam." She whispered and ran to me. She cupped my cheeks and put her forehead on mine. "Don't worry Neteyam you're gonna be oka-"

She got cut of by the sound of an explosion. We looked at where the sound came from and we saw that the ship was broken in to and one side was on fire.

"Kyoshi!" I screamed and I shot up. I was ready to stand up but I got pulled back down by a hand.

"Don't. You're gonna get hurt even more. You already lost a lot of blood." My father said.

"But dad. Kyoshi is still there I have to help her! She could be hurt!" I said worried.

"Don't worry I'll go help her. Just don't move to much." He said looking at me. "Lo'ak you help you're brother. There is some bandage in the small back over there." He said said pointing to a small back on the stone. He puts two fingers on his speaking device. "Kyoshi? Are you okay?" There was a loud silence. "Kyoshi do you copy?" He said again. A silence filled the air again.

Damn it! I could've helped her! I could've saved her! She might be dead because of me! Damn it if only my dad let me go. I'm sorry love.

"I copy." A voice was heard and my head shot up. "Is Neteyam alright?" I heard her soft voice ask.

My dead looked at me and I nod. "Yes he's alright. Where are you now? I'm coming to you." My dad said looking at me with a small smile.

"Don't come!" Is all she said and we heard grunting on the other side of the speaking device. "It's to dangerous!" She said as we heard shots filling the air on the other side.

"Exactly. It's dangerous so I'm coming to help you." He said standing up.

"Oh my Eywa you just sound like Neteyam." She said and I could hear her eye roll. We chuckled as they all looked at me. "Fine. I'm at the top of the ship. Be careful, there a lot of guys here." She said.

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