-Part Nineteen-

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Song- Willow Tree March -The Paper Kites-

POV Kyoshi

I open my eyes and I was immediately blinded the light. I close my eyes almost immediately and groan.

Am I dead?

I open my eyes again and let them adjust to the light.  I sit up but immediately lay back down feeling a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down and see a bandage wrapped around my stomach.

Oh yeah. I forgot about that.

I look around taking in my surroundings. I was laying on a wooden bed. To see at the wooden walls I'm in a hut or something. I look to my left and see an opening. I look out of it and saw trees. A lot of trees. As if I'm in forest. I sit up biting through the pain and walk to the opening. I look outside and see that I'm really high up in the air. I around and see that I'm in a kind of tree or something. Or maybe a cave I don't really know.

I hear talking and laughing under me and I look over the edge of I don't even know and see a lot of avatars running, working, talking and walking around. But one thing catches my eye. They weren't sea blue. They where blue. The same color as Neteyam.

Am I in the forest clan?

I walk out of the hut and see a way down on my left. I walk towards it ignoring my pain as it's already less painful then when I woke up. I walk down the some kind of path that was leading me to the ground. As I step my foot on the ground I can feel the grass surrounding my feet. I walk down to the other avatars and they all stopped with what they where doing and looked at me. I stopped in my tracks and a few seconds later they went on with what they where doing.

Okay weird.

I walk further into the kind of village looking for the Suli's. I'm almost at the end and I see a familiar figure standing a few meters in front of me.

"Neteyam." I whisper to myself.

He was helping an older woman with someone. The woman pointed behind him to me. He stopped with what he was doing and slowly turned around. When he saw me his eyes widened. He let go with what he was doing and took a step closer to me. A smile formed on my lips and I ran to him. He walked closer and I jumped in his arms. He spins me around with my arms around his neck and his around me waist. He set me down and he puts his head in my neck. I heard sobs leaving his mouth and tears fell onto my neck. I put my hand on the back of his head and stroke his hair. His thumbs rub circles on my waist. We stood there hugging for a minute before he pulled his face out of my neck.

"I thought I lost you." He said sniffing as his eyes where red and he looked tired.

"I'm so sorry for scaring you baby." I said to him and I put my hand on his jaw rubbing his cheek with my thumb.

He hand went form my waist to the back of my neck and he leaned down. I close my eyes and our lips touch. It was slow but loving. He deepened the kiss by pulling me closer by my waist. A groan left my lips as I get a sting in my stomach. He quickly pulled away when he realized he hurt me. Worried eyes stared into mine.

"I'm so sorry I forgot." He said panicking.

"It's okay baby." I said smiling at him. I brush a strand of hair behind his ear as I looked into his eyes. "I'm glad I get to see you again. I really thought I died." I said as my vision got blurry. "I really thought that I wouldn't see you again. That I wouldn't feel your hands on my body. That I wouldn't see those golden eyes that looked into mine. That I couldn't hold you again. I was so scared." I said as tears left my eyes.

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