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"where is he?" jungkook said aloud. his back was pressed to his locker as he stood in the hallway. he had just missed first period due to swimming practice-jungkook was the schools champion athlete. his shirt stuck onto his still wet back and his hair smelled like chlorine.

"his nickname is tae." jungkook whispered to himself. "and hes wearing..."

jungkook whipped out his phone and went back to the picture the boy had sent him that morning.

for the past few days he had been asking the boy to send him pictures of what he was wearing. today was going on day six.

"tae. tae. come on." 

suddenly the shrill ring of the school bell flooded the hallway. the doors slammed open and seas of students filed out in groups and pairs, eventully mingling together into one big patch of everything. jungkook held his breath and took a look at the screen on his phone again.

"come on jk. you can do this."

loud sounds of conversation and laughing bounced off the walls and students rushed around, trying to get past and into their next classes. shoves and scuffles against the floor tapped around until it was just a loud drum of nothing. blotches of red and blue and green and navy; all shades swarmed like a group of bees. jungkook squinted around.

different faces merged into one; he tried to memorize them. bits and puzzles of chatter fell into his ear. his breathing could be heard, rapid and waiting.

then a color of faded denim pulled his sight into one body, its arms clutched against its chest and posture curled. the jean splattered with paint and intricate doodles of nothing-the sweater-jungkook had seen it. before he could shout or look for the owners face, the body faded away.

"shit!" he yelled out, accidently startling a group of freshmans skipping near him.

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