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he only stopped to change his clothes.

the blue jacket, the white shirt, the socks, the shoes.

also taehyungs text drifting into his mind.

save number one for when we meet.

if you where that, id want you to fuck me.

jesus christ. jungkook was a maniac. obeying this boys words and deciding to be the moon to his earth.


can u go to the cafeteria door??







ghds im rlly scared




im here :)


be there soon


taehyung was typing something, but jungkook wasted no time. he stuffed his phone in his jacket pocket and ran out of the lockeroom. he passed the stair well, the row of science classes, a group of yearbook kids...

he couldnt feel his toes, the sore from his race still edged him. jungkook was aware of his breath, huffy and deep and tired. but just this corner he could turn at that magnificent boy would be waiting. jungkook stopped for a small moment, then approached. 


here. turn around for me?

taehyung, standing just before the big maroon double doors, his back turned and his green sweater rumpled.

he was so close jungkook could reach out an arm and touch him. he could see the folds of crisp collar underneath his shirt. the intricate label. the curls and curls of brown that sat on his nape. jungkook watched the boy stiffen, his hands enclosed around his phone.


i want to

i mean

im scared

u wont like me


with every send button taehyung pressed, jungkooks phone got a bright notification bell, the sound making taehyung wince and shiver. he wanted so abruptly to place his hands on the boys waist, to lean against him and kiss his cheek.


i like you

baby please?


can i close my eyes?



there was a tiny pause before taehyung gave a shaky sigh and slowly paced his feet until he seemed to scoop up his courage and swirl himself around; when his face met jungkook-he was shorter by a couple inches-his eyes were squeezed alarmingly shut and his face was flushed with rose. 

"baby." jungkook whispered, his voice gravely and deep.

taehyungs eyes squeezed tighter, a broken chuckle mixed with a gasp sliding through his mouth.

"let me touch you."

taehyung nodded.

jungkook took his firm, calloused hands and rubbed them to taehyungs sides, placing them just there and keeping the trembling boy still. he could almost feel the strike of taehyungs heartbeat, mean and aggressive with panic.


"you need to stop calling me that." taehyungs voice was cracky and rigid, but at the same time soft and light.

"nah. open your eyes please. its just me. babes. its goldi. goldi, your best friend. your only non-dickhead in the world."

taehyung smiled, though his eyelids were still clasped. "okay. i trust you. but if you dont like me, if you dont like us, please forget this ever happened and lets just go back to messaging each other."


before taehyung could respond, he pierced open his eyes, dazzling starry eyes, glassy terrified eyes, and stared up at jungkooks face. he let out a tiny noise before launching his whole body toward him, stuffing his head into the crook of jungkooks neck, a half sheepish whine pulling out of his lips, the red of his cheeks burning jungkooks shirt.

jungkook couldnt help but laugh.

taehyung pressed his forehead closer; jungkook felt the swift slide of his lips briefly touch.

"hey bubs."

"i cant believe you." the words tickled against jungkooks skin.

"what, baby? its me!"

"you should have kept your hair blonde."

"your the one who wished it blue."

"why did you listen to me?"

"because i love you."

taehyung made a whimpering giggle, snuggling his face deeper into jungkooks shirt. "goldi."

"whats up?"

"i love you."


taehyung looked up, letting jungkook fully droll over his red, tired face. "yeah."

"are you happy?"


"so wheres my poem?" jungkook smirked.

"you said being happy, being in...i-in love, should make your brain stop. and make you not write poems."

jungkook bent lower, as if examining taehyungs face."whats my poem?" 

the boy rolled his eyes. "your heartbeat is my poem."


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