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epilogue; some years later.

dear kim taehyung,

he was a pretty boy.

fair. strong. sweet.

but sometimes, under the canopies of shooting stars,

and branches of clouds.

he wished for something,

someone, almost. 

to make him not a boy,

but a flower.

that would be planted and cared.

under the canopies,

under the branches

so he could bloom and smile and sway

so he could be loved and unbothered.

the boy waited for that one

the one with the wand

with the magic

the flower

who could turn him into a flower too.


in the darkest nights

the worst rains

the loudest cries,

it was not a flower, a fairy, an angel, a princess

who came to save the boy.

just someone

behind a screen

painting this poor boy 

dancing with this poor boy

loving this poor boy

like his bubble messages

the every ring of notification

the graphic emojis

would save the world.

it saved the boy anyway

now that boy is grown up

and loved


because of you. because of you, who saved him

i love you

i love you

i love you more than flowers

more than stars

more than the world

there is nothing in this world but you

you; your smile and your eyes

your lips and your gorgeous face

you and you and nobody else.


- jeon jungkook

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