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jungkook found taehyung in an empty classroom.

he knew now that taehyung was tae. the same outfit. the same worn olive book in his hands. a leisure position, leaning back in his blue student chair, legs stretched over his wooden desk. he sat in the corner, with the window pulled open and the wind fluttering his tufts of hair and making them dance. every so often he would lick his cracked lips or glance out the windows, staring almost awestruck at the cherry blossoms or the blue pond jumping with bright streaks of koi, tucked neat between rocks and weeds.

"taehyung?" he whispered out, then cleared his throat. his voice slightly raspy he said, "taehyung."

taehyung jolted and indistinctively fumbled the book in his hands and shielded it across his face as if scared of jungkook himself. the latter saw a pair of warm brown orbes peak out from the top of the worn pages, blinking, then lowering the open book down into his lap.

he licked his lips again and swallowed, eyes bouncing across on the walls and finally landing on jungkooks curious face.

"um. hi?" taehyung licked his lips, cheeks getting soaked in cherry juice. "hi jungkook-ssi."

"is something wrong?" jungkook felt like teasing; his sanity was a little lopsided and all he wanted to do was embrace the brittle, crumbling boy in front of him. taehyung looked so opulent, sitting there casually with his ankles crossed and face flushed so comely.

"no. i mean yes. i mean no, of course-i just-i thought-maybe...ah, nevermind." taehyung looked at his thin legs, sighed, and uncrossed them. jungkook liked that he didnt seem embarssed about his posture, maintaining it if not stretching it longer like a lanky cat in the sun.

"im here to bring you a present."

taehyung perked up. he placed the book hastily on the desk and scooted forward. "oh?"

"yeah. i mean its not really a physically present but i was just told to do this but." jungkook scratched his nape, pretending to be hesitant. alien, confused.

taehyung gasped very audibly and shrunk back, as if realizing jungkook was a germ. if he had been any less polite taehyung would probably have scrambled against the wall and pressed his eyes shut. "please dont kiss me."

"what?" jungkooks mouth fell open.

taehyung blinked. "im sorry. i was just thinking and...and...i dunno. im sorry." he laughed, staring aimlessly onto the floor. his eyes lost color and drained out its sparkle. "i guess i do say stupid things sometimes, haha. funny; i never speak and when i do people get hurt. like a god damn cigarette or something. opened and burned just to make a lung turn into ashes. too make death just a little closer." he looked up again. "see? your getting hurt, your getting bored."

"no. i like your words. they're pretty. they make my day." those sentences got dragged out of his mouths, pulled from earnestly.

"ive only spoken to you like five times."

"um. yeah, right." jungkook glanced at the clock. "im here because you get a reserved bleacher seat at the swim meet this afternoon. the front rows?" he looked at the clock again. "thats all. bye. see you at the meet."

jungkook left as fast as his legs could carry him.

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