Part 1

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"Girls why don't you go explore the new house I've got to take this phone call." My dad suggested while looking down at his ringing phone. I looked towards my big sister and we both dashed up the stairs, it was a fight over who would get the better room.

She beat me to it and got the bigger room, it's fine though because it's a weird layout and not much natural light. I'm happy with my room. It's spacious, has a big window and a big wardrobe - not that I really need it I have plenty of clothes but wear the same 3 outfits over and over again.

I put down my bag and walked back down the stairs and outside, grabbing some of my boxes and carrying them up to my room.

I sat on the floor as I opened them all looking for all the essentials I need for the night. I can sort the rest out tomorrow.
As if on cue the movers walked In with my mattress, I moved out of the way so that they could place it down on the floor - I don't have a bed frame at the minute as dad said he'd get us new ones.

I grabbed my duvet and pillow, placing them on top of the mattress before going into my bag and hunting for my pyjamas and makeup wipes.

I slipped into a pair of shorts and a tank top then wiped off any makeup I had on. It's only
9 pm but I can't do much right now as we're still waiting for stuff to arrive so my only option is to go to bed until tomorrow.

Slowly, I sunk into the mattress while glancing around the now-dark room. I wonder what the people here are like...


"Lily get up. We're going to get stuff to decorate our rooms." My older sister, Ava, whined. There wasn't much of an age difference (it's only a year) yet we could not be more different. While she's worried about her reputation I'm worried about my grades. I need to get Into a good college.

I groaned as I opened my eyes and looked at her, "hold on..." I sighed while trying to stop myself from falling asleep again.

I quickly got in the shower before finding some leggings and a top to wear. Good enough, not like anyone my age will see me - they're all in school as it's a Friday. We don't start until Monday.

We decided to go to a home depot first to get paint. At the moment in time, my walls are turquoise as a little girl used to have my room. I went with just plain white as I don't want to have to keep repainting it. We went to IKEA next.

I got a bed frame, one bedside table, shelves to go on my wall, drawers and a desk with a chair. I got some random bits for decoration too.

We got home and realised the rest of our stuff had arrived - thank god! I was starting to think it would never arrive.

After a whole weekend of unpacking and decorating, I'm finally happy with my room.
My bed was pushed up into the corner of my wall on the left while my window was on the right. I had my desk facing the wall next to my window and next to that were my drawers. The shelves float on top of my bed.

It's currently 7 pm on Sunday - I better start getting ready for bed as I need an early night. The first day of school is tomorrow...


"And over here is the gym, I think there might be a class in there now." The headteacher announced as she gave my dad, my sister and me a tour of the school.

She opened the door and walked in, and instantly all the heads turned to us. Oh god. One
Boy specifically stood out though - he didn't look very impressed though.

They were playing basketball by the looks of it. The boy was holding the ball. He had dark hair that fell into curtains, his eyes were dark so I couldn't tell what colour they were. He was tall though, an easy 6 foot 3, maybe more, he was very muscly. I mean... he's definitely not ugly...

I awkwardly smiled at everyone as the headteacher raised her voice, "Sorry to interrupt your game everyone I'm just showing our new students Lily and Ava around. Please continue." I watched as the coach blew his whistle and they all started playing again. My eyes remained glued to that one boy. I wonder what his name is...

I wasn't fully listening to the headteacher if I'm honest. She was rambling on about all sorts of clubs they run but I didn't listen to anything - that was until they mentioned dance but I was quickly brought disappointment when the word cheer followed it, "We have one dance club - it's cheer."

I looked back towards the boy but he was gone. Where'd he go? I glanced around the room only to realise he was not even 4 feet away from me, putting down a water bottle, I watched as he raises his shirt to wipe the sweat off his head revealing some toned abs. Oh. My. God.

As he put his shirt back down he looked towards me causing me to quickly look away, I heard my sister chuckling next to me - great she saw me perving over some guy.

"Let's go visit the football and cheer team, they're practising for the big game on Friday." The women suggested while not very subtly checking out my dad, to be fair they did look roughly the same age.

Reluctantly, I followed her onto the pitch. I saw a large group of boys and another large group of girls. We sat and watched for a moment before the head suddenly began speaking, "are either of you interested in any of the clubs?" Before I could answer my dad answered for me.

"Lily loves to dance!" Thanks, dad. Thanks. The women began grinning and gestured for me to follow her. "Let me see if I can get you into the cheer club." She smiled while walking towards the girls who were shooting me filthy looks. "Oh no, it's fine! Really! I like a different type of dance!" I panicked while trying to catch up with her. 

"Good morning girls! This here is Lily Jones and she says she likes to dance - from next week onwards she'll be joining the cheer squad!- Miss its really okay I don't want to do cheer that bad" I tried to interrupt her but she waved it off. Before I knew it... I had an audition next Monday.

God this is going to be hell..

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