Part 6

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*Colin's pov*

I watched as Lily disappeared up the stairs and soon returned with a pillow and multiple blankets. She handed them to me and I thanked her awkwardly.

"So uhm.. the bathrooms first door on the left and the kitchens just there... I'm going to go up to bed now... night Colin.." she smiled, clearly feeling uncomfortable.

I watched her walk up the stairs before laying down on the sofa. I reached for my phone out my pocket and saw multiple missed calls and messages.

Are you staying at mine
Or callums tonight?

I didn't reply and clicked on another message

My mums offered to
Make burgers if you want
To come round tonight

Once again I didn't answer and opened the message I didn't want to open but kind of had to.

Come home, now.

Where are you?

Get more drinks on your
Way back

Don't ignore me, you
Owe me everything.

Yiur a hotrible spn

Cime homr ir else

I didn't know what to say so clicked off, selecting the group chat with just Liam, Callum and me in.

I'm staying at Lily's

Almost immediately my phone
Began vibrating making me roll my eyes knowing what's about to happen.

Oooh cheeky, didn't
Know you like her

I chuckled before typing back probably the biggest lie of my life.

I don't.

Before I could say anything Callum (idk why but he's changed from caleb to callum now) began typing.

Wait so you haven't done
Anything? Boring.

We did stuff, just not
That type of stuff, we went
To the hospital after I
Cracked her head open.

I typed back knowing full well that I'm about to be asked a million questions. However, they never came. I decided to just go to sleep and try and forget about it all but I could not get Lily out of my head no matter what. I feel so guilty. I hurt her when she was doing nothing wrong.

I sat up and grabbed my phone once again, selecting her contact.

You okay? I feel awful
That I hurt you

There was no answer for a moment until she began to type almost 3 minutes later.

I'm okay, is the sofa okay?
If not we can swap

That's what I like about her, I'd expect most people to be mad at me for days yet she's already going out of her way to make sure I'm okay. She's so selfless.
She puts other people first, something I struggle with.

It's actually very

Okay maybe that was a lie, but for probably the first time in many years, I want her needs above mine.

I must've fallen asleep after that because I woke up to someone screaming and glass shattering.

I sat up rapidly and saw Lily's older sister standing at the bottom of the stairs.

"Shit, that scared me. Lily didn't tell me you were staying over." She mumbled while picking up pieces of glass. I was just going to let her do it by herself until I realised if I can get Lily's family to like me... I have a better chance.

I stood up and kneeled down where the glass was, beginning to pick it up without saying anything. Once it was all up I followed Lily's sister into the kitchen.

I could tell she was nervous being around me. I hate that there are very few people who aren't.

"I better be going... is Lily awake so I can tell her?" I murmured, unsure on how to act.

"I don't know.. you can go look if you want, it's the first door on the right when you walk upstairs." Her sister replied, not looking at me.

I didn't say anything back and began walking up the stairs and knocked on the door her sister described. I heard movement from inside then the familiar voice saying to come in.

I opened the door and saw Lily spread across her bed, on her belly. She quickly sat up once she saw me making me internally laugh.

"Hey, did you sleep okay?" She asked while pulling the sheets up her body.

"Yeah it was fine, I've got to go I just wanted to say bye before I left." I explained while leaning against the doorframe.

"Oh yeah of course give me two seconds to get a jumper on and I'll see you out." She hopped out the bed before I could say anything and open what I assume to be her wardrobe.

I watched as she pulled a hoodie over her head. Even in the baggiest clothes, she looked breathtaking- no. Shut up, Colin. You don't go for girls like her.

I looked away awkwardly as she walked past me and into the hallway. I followed behind her as she walked towards the front door.

"Have you got somewhere to go for the day? If not you are welcome to stay, we didn't get the research done after all." The kind girl offered. See, she's too good for this world.

I simply nodded my head, I've already shown too much to her. I can't let her get close. I mean for god sake I let her hold onto me while she was getting stitches in her head. I need to create distance between us.

She began opening the front door for me, I nodded goodbye and quickly left. I'm going to go check on my mum, make sure she's still alive. Literally. When she gets drunk like that if she can't hurt someone else, she hurts herself.

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