part 5

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The rest of the drive was silent.
Neither of us knew what to say. However, I did know that I had a pounding headache.

We reached the hospital after what felt like hours. We ended up sitting in the hospital waiting room for over an hour before I was called out.

"Lily Jones!" A young doctor called out. I stood up and was about to begin walking when I realized that Colin wasn't following. I turned to face him and saw him planted in his seat.

"Can you come with me... please.. my dad is usually here to come in with me..." I mumbled not making eye contact. It'd embarrassing that I won't go Into a hospital room alone with a doctor and I'm almost 17.

He let out a huff before standing up and following just a few steps behind me. I walked into the room and sat down on the bed.

"So how did this happen?" The doctor asked while preparing the stitches. I glanced towards the boy on my left, "this idiot thought it would be funny to pull out my chair when I tried to sit down." I glared at him making a point.

The doctor let out a low chuckle before speaking again, "so are you guys a couple?" He questioned while turning round to face us.

"No! Oh god no! We're not even friends!- we were doing homework- group project- we don't even like each other- our gym coach set a project and we're simply in the same group!" We continuously asked each other as the doctor began laughing.

"God I miss being a teen."

He turned to face the counter again and plugged something in, when he turned to me again he had an electric razor in his hands.

My eyes quickly widened in panic and I heard laughter coming from my left. "Dont panic it's not your whole head, just around the wound, so I can see what I'm doing." The doctor reassured which didn't actually help in any way.

I tried to argue that there's another way to do it without cutting my hair but the doctor simply disagreed and asked me to put my head down.

I know some may think it's silly but I began crying as I heard the razor turn on and my hair falls to the floor. To make it worse, Colin laughing once again at my misery.

I hate him so much.

I looked up as the buzzing sound turned off and looked at my reflection, only beginning to cry harder.

"It's not THAT bad." Colin tried to comfort me but it only made me more frustrated. This is all his fault! I'm like the opposite of a monk! I've got a bald patch at the back of my head!

"Okay, do you want to hold on to your gym class project group member while I stitch you up?" The doctor suggested as he picked up the needle and stepped closer.

"What makes you think I need him? I'm a big girl I can do it by myself." I sat up straight again while wiping away my tears. However, with every step closer the doctor took I shrunk further and further down.

I can't do this, I can't even get an injection without holding onto someone's hand! Let alone stitches!

"WAIT! I changed my mind!" I blurted out, grabbing Colin's shirt and pulling him close to me, wrapping my arms around his waist.

I leant against him while squeezing my eyes shut in an attempt to find any sort of comfort which surprisingly worked.

His hands just hovered for a moment before I felt them rest in my back, I'm assuming he didn't know where else to put them.

It took 10 minutes to clean it and stitch the wound up. "There, all done. If the stitches come undone you need to come back. Just go to the front desk and sign the forms then you can leave." The doctor instructed while peeling off his gloves.

I jumped off the bed and tried to rearrange my hair so the bald patch wasn't so obvious but it wasn't really helping.

We walked out into the reception and was handed a selection of forms.

Do I have insurance? Nope. Is this going to cost alot? Yes. Am I hoping the bill arrives before my dad gets back? Yes.

Neither of us said anything for a while as I tried to fill in as much as the form as I could.


It was midnight by the time we got home. Colin followed me inside, in his words to make sure I was okay. He may be a jerk but I think he genuinely does feel sorry.

"How far away do you live?" I asked while grabbing a beanie and putting it on over my new bald patch.

He stayed silent, not answering my question. I turned to face him and saw him rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh... I don't know to be honest... I try not to stay at home so I just swap between Logan and Callum's houses." He replies, not looking at me.

My eyebrows furrowed at his odd reply which he clearly see's, "my mums an alcoholic... it's just not a nice environment." He mumbles while leaning back against the wall.

Instantly, I feel bad for him. He doesn't have a place to call home.. I stay silent for a moment before opening my mouth to talk.

"in that case stay here for the night. My dad would kill me if I had a boy in my bed though so you'll have to sleep on the sofa.." he looks up at me and I can see him hesitate.

"It's late and you're here already. It's better then risking driving in the dark." I convince him as much as I can and eventually, he nods his head.

I look down at his outfit and see it should be comfortable enough for the night. "Uhm... I'll go get you a pillow and blanket..."

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