part 12

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"Lily? Where's your mum?" One of the doctors asked as I was rolled into a room. Great now I have to explain this again, you know what I'm going to keep it simple.

"6 feet under, she died a few years back." I awkwardly laughed, if I don't laugh ill cry I guess.

"I'm sorry, how about your dad?" The doctor asked, clearly quite nervous
my answer.
"On his way back from a buisness trip, his plane lands in 2 hours." I hissed as they injected something into me.

"Okay, do you have any other family?" She asked while examining me.

I simply nodded my head. She looked at me as if to continue, "my aunt, she teaches at a college about an hour and a half away." I sighed. Trying to focus in anything apart from the immense pain I'm in at the moment.

"Okay do you know her number?" I simply shook my head. I didn't know it off ny heart. It's in my phone but I don't know where my phone is.
I'm pretty sure she's my second emergency contact though.

"Should be my emergency contact." I spoke, trying to see what was going on around the room but it proved hard because of my lack of movement in my neck.

"Okay. We'll give her a call so we can get permission to give you more significant treatment as you are a minor. Thankfully your sister is 18 so doesn't need permission." The nurse explained before walking out of the room.

This is going to be a long night. Suddenly I heard something over the speakers, "PATIENT HAS PULLED OUT CANNULA AND TRYING TO GET OUT HIS ROOM" jeez. Doesn't sound very pleasant.

I watched as Doctors rushed down the hallway and lots of yelling commenced. It took me a moment to realise who was yelling, Colin. Holy shit.

"LET ME SEE HER! IM HER FRIEND! LET ME SEE LILY JONES!" Oh fuck. What the hell is he doing?!

I heard doctors and nurses trying to calm him down but it wasn't working, "is he not allowed to come in?" I asked, concerned for him. He's going to scream the hospital down.

"Its not so much that but he'll be bleeding lots because he ripped out his cannula which goes in a vein so it'll bleed lots." A nurse next to me explained. I didn't say anything. He needs to calm down.

"Maybe if you let him sit in here he might calm down so they can help him?" I suggested. I watched the nurses and doctors all exchange a look.

"Bring him in, hopefully, he'll stay still long enough that we can stop the bleeding that way." A doctor nodded at the nurse. Within twenty seconds, Colin ran into my room. He went to hug me but one of the doctors immediately stopped him, "she has multiple broken ribs and an injured neck. No touching."

I looked down at his arm and saw blood dripping on the floor and all over his clothes.

"Oh my god, Colin! You dick! Sit down and let them help you for Christ's sake." I scolded, instantly he sat down and began asking me a million questions that I barely answered.

"Lily? Answer me please... why did you walk out and ignore Logan?" He asked as they slowed down his bleeding. "I don't know... I was just upset I guess.." I replied, shutting my eyes. I'm so tired.

My head is pounding, my chest hurts, and I can't even feel my legs anymore. I want to go home. I felt a tear roll down my cheek, one singular tear.

Colin saw it, I know he did. He just chose to ignore it - which I'm kind of glad he did.

"I'm sorry, I'm asking you all these questions that can wait for later.." he mumbled, I felt him reach out and grab my hand. He grabbed my hand. Whenever I've tried to even have our hands touch before he moves his away.

Neither of us said anything. It was fine that way too. Just enjoying each other's company.
I'm glad he's here, to be honest.

I hate hospitals, so him here helping me is calming my nerves a bit. "Okay, Miss Jones, we've stitched up any wounds and put a cast on your left leg, we can't do anything about your ribs but they will heal eventually. We need to look at your neck now. Is that okay?" A doctor spoke, leaning over me.

"Yeah, that's fine." I sighed - slightly dreading it. They took away the foam block and began to touch my neck, I let out a groan of pain. Without thinking, I squeezed Colin's hand.

It took them about ten minutes of prodding my neck to decide what was wrong.

"Okay it looks like you've strained your neck which means you have torn a ligament in your neck." The doctor explained. I looked at him confused.

"It means you just have to use your neck as little as possible for the next few weeks, we'll give you a cast for the first two though, just to help take the pressure off your neck." A nurse explained, lifting me into a sitting position slowly and removing the foam from beneath me, instead, a doctor placed a cast around my neck. Great.

I could hear Colin trying to hold in a laugh, "shut up. It's not funny. You know I could've died in that crash?" I spat, causing him to immediately go quiet. Well, I guess that worked. It was dark, but it worked.

I looked out the side of my eye and saw his mouth in a small '0' shape and his eyebrows raised, most would think he's shocked from that description but he didn't look shocked. His eyes didn't make him look shocked. He looked more... worried.

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