part 9

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They drove off, leaving Logan, Callum and I standing there.
I looked towards the boys who were both still shocked. Logan looked down at me and opened his mouth to speak.

"What happened? You were with him, weren't you? It's what snap maps said." The boy questioned me. It's like he was accusing me of something.

"Uh.. uhm.. we went to his mum's house and she got mad so we left.. then.. uh... I asked him if he was okay and needed help so he got mad at me and yelled at me... so I left..." I mumbled, avoiding eye contact.

"It's not her fault, Logan." Callum muttered while pulling me back towards him.

"Well, clearly she has something to do with it! She's not telling us something! He wouldn't just kill himself with that little warning!" Logan snapped. I don't like him like this.

I kept backing away until I walked into Callum's chest. He was quick to wrap his arms over me as I turned to face him. "Shut up, Logan. You're scaring her." Callum hissed, getting madder.

I buried my face into his chest as if I was hiding. I want the other Logan back. I want Colin back.

"Why are you fucking protecting her!?" Logan practically screamed. Does he really think I'd lie?

"Because Colin trusted her enough to take her back to his house! We haven't even been to his house before! Quite clearly he likes her and trusts her whether it's as friends or not! He would want us to look after her which you are doing the opposite of!" Callum screamed back.

I felt tears prick my eyes as I tried to fight them back but failed horribly. Instead, they soaked into the boy's t-shirt.

"Great now she's crying, good job." Callum scoffed while pulling me towards the school, sitting me on the steps.

"This is my fault! I made him mad and upset!" I sobbed from the guilt. If he dies it's going to be all my fault! I won't be able to live with myself!

"It's not your fault. He'll be fine." Callum hushed me, wrapping an arm around me and pulling me into his side.

"Once school has finished we can go down to the hospital together and see him, there's not much use of us going down now, we'll only sit there for a few hours." The brunette boy suggested, trying to calm me down.

Why am I so upset by this all?! I would never imagine being this upset over someone like Colin. I don't understand. What's wrong with me?

Then it hit me. Why I kept saying all those things. That he's dangerous, I shouldn't be around him and all the other things. I was pushing him away because I like him! How blind can I be!

I let out a sigh and leant against Callum. "You know I reckon we count as friends now." I joked, trying to lighten the mood which worked because he let out a chuckle.

"Better be, I just fought with my best mate to protect you." He replied while looking at his watch.

"It's lunch in ten minutes... we'll just sit her for a little while longer then we can go get something to eat." The boy suggested. I nodded my head. I'm not going to the stupid tryout. I definitely can't be asked with it now.

We sat there just talking while Logan sulked a few feet away from us. "Logan.." I called out for him, patting the ground next to me as if he's a dog.

He hesitated for a second before sitting down next to me.
I placed my hand on top of his, neither of us said anything but it was enough.

"Let's go get some lunch.." Callum stood up, helping me up too. The three of us walked to the canteen and grabbed food before sitting down at a table.

Soon enough Isla came too and sat down next to me with Callum on the other side of her.
We all just made small talk. I've never sat with them at lunch before so it's probably not the best circumstances to be doing so for the first time.

After school the two boys and I all went to the hospital to see how Colin was doing, it's not like his mum would visit.

"Hi, we are here to see Colin grey. Is he here?" Logan spoke to the receptionist. The woman looked up at us, she clearly hates her job.

"Relationship to the patient?" She questioned, looking all of us up and down.

"Well I'm his cousin, this here is his brother and uh... his girlfriend.." Logan lied. They must not let friends in.

"Room 502." She rolled her eyes before looking back at her computer.

The three of us walked to his room and when we reached his door.. he was hooked up to so many machines. Oh god, how is he going to afford to pay the bill? It's bad enough that his mum won't visit but also, but he won't be able to afford the bill. He'll be in debt.

We all walked in and his eyes fluttered open, clearly hearing our footsteps. "You alright?" Logan asked while patting his shoulder.

Colin didn't say anything for a moment, he just groaned. "I'm so fucked. I hate my blood.. fucking AB negative can go fuck itself. I need a blood donor but they don't have any." He scoffed. I felt so bad for him.

"How do you know what blood type you are?" I asked. I don't know what blood type I am. But if I can, I want to help.

"My social worker knew. Oh and yipee I'm going back into foster care cos they found all my beatings from my mum!" He replied sarcastically.

"Beatings? She hits you?" Callum questioned, his face showing how shocked he was that Logan matched.

"Mhm.. look." Colin grumbled while sitting up so they can see his back.

"Dude... I'm sorry, we had no idea. We just thought she was a drunk." Logan sighed while helping Colin lay down again.

I felt my eyes tear up and quickly looked down at the floor. I watched as one of my tears hit the tiles and quickly wiped my face.

"Lily?" Colin called out but I ignored it. I didn't even look at him.

"Lily, what's wrong?" The boy continued to try and grab my attention but I kept looking at the floor.

"I'm sorry!" I sobbed while running out of the room. Seeing him like that... It's heartbreaking. He's let his walls down too, he doesn't care anymore and I can't tell if it's a good or bad thing.

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