part 13

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"Don't say that." He mumbled before standing up and walking back to his room. Maybe I took it too far. And by maybe, I mean definitely.

I tried to avoid eye contact with anyone but based of the fact I can't move my neck it was kind of hard.

About 3 hours passed I just sat in my room waiting for someone to come in. Eventually, my aunt did arrive but I barely know her. I've met her maybe ten times in my 17 years of living.

"How's your new school?" She asked, sitting next to my bed while we failed constantly at holding a conversation.

"Good... yeah, it's fine... How's... work?" I responded. God I need someone else to come in so it's not as awkward.

Well I guess I only have 2 wishes left because Logan walked in and awkwardly nodded at my aunt. "How you doing?" He asked, sitting down next to me.

"Yeah, fine... is Colin still mad at me?" I asked hopefully. I hope I don't regret asking but by the looks of it his answer will be good based of the fact he's smiling and shaking his head.

"He was the one who sent me in here. Even if he is mad at you, it won't be for long." Logan replied, wrapping an arm around my shoulder causing my aunt's eyebrows to furrow.

"So uhm.. are you two a couple?" She asked, clearly feeling a bit awkward.

Immediately, Logan and I responded. "Oh god no!- she's not my type- just friends- plus my best mate has the hots for her- Logans like a brother!" We both continuously interrupted each other making my aunt chuckle. We must look like we're lying with how defensive we got, especially Logan. Ooh I wonder what his type is then.

"Okay well I'm going to go get a coffee, I'll be back in ten." She chuckled while getting up and walking out leaving me and Logan alone.

"So... who is your type.. tell me what your ideal partner is!" I laughed to myself as he groaned.

I watched as he sat back and began mentally debating it, "blonde.... tall... athletic... funny... likes cars..." he mumbled, I furrowed my eyebrows at him. Doesn't sound like he's describing any girls at our school.

"So... dudes? Their your type?" I raised my eyebrows only to immediately get shut down, "What?! No! Fuck no! I like girls! I'm not gay! What makes you think I'm gay? I don't like guys! You like guys!" He blew up, now avoiding eye contact.

Someone's a bit defensive. "I'm not saying it's a bad thing... but you just didn't seem to describe your stereotypical girl that's all." I explained, trying to hide my smile. He is a horrible liar.

"Well, that's cos I don't like girly girls, they're sickening!" He spat. Yeah, he's just making it worse by getting defensive.

"Alright... you got a crush then?" I asked, trying to continue the conversation while also moving on.

I watched as he nodded his head, not saying anything. He's embarrassed! I've never seen him like this! Is he nervous or something?

"Who?" I nudged with a smirk, I saw him contemplating it before completely drawing the attention away from himself, "You know Calum likes Isla!" I simply nodded my head. It's very clear they like each other. Like painfully clear.

"We all knew that, but I want to know who your crush is, I never see you talking to girls or talking about them!" I teased knowing soon I'll break him.

"Well... you might tell people. I don't want it getting out. No one knows." He grumbled, looking me directly in the eye.

I offered out my pinky finger making him move back, judgemental much. "I pinky promise. Won't tell a soul." I took his hand and wrapped my pinky finger round his.

He let out a long groan before whispering a name, "Daniel..." my face lit up. I knew it! I saw him checking him out a few days ago but didn't want to say anything in case I saw it wrong!

"Really?!" I gasped with a huge grin on my face. He nodded his head. Logan and Daniel!!!

"Mhm.." he mumbled, looking down at the ground, clearly feeling nervous. I clapped my hands together in excitement. I knew he was gay! I knew it! I grabbed his hand in mine as a way to tell him it was okay. I assume it isn't an easy thing to come out to people.

"So... you going to ask him out?" I questioned with a smirk but he simply shook his head, "I don't even think he's gay..." he sighed, suddenly the door flew open and Calum walked in. Shit. How much did he hear?!

"Logan, Colin wants to talk to you. I'll stay with Lily." He spoke while kicking Logan off the bed next to me and taking a seat next to me.

"How are you doing Flower?" I furrowed my eyebrows at the new nickname before quickly brushing it off, "I'm good, you?" I smiled and rested against his

"Good, although let me say listening to Colin rant about you non-stop for the past half an hour got a bit annoying." He chuckled. Just then my aunt walked into the room and was startled by the different boy in my bed.

"You're not the one who was here a minute ago?" She questioned while sitting back down.

"Yeah we swapped round, I'm Calum." He introduced himself while offering out his hand to my aunt. She took it and shook it before taking a sip out of her coffee.

"So are you the one Lily likes?" I mentally face-palmed myself
As I heard Calum laughing, "No that's Colin, this is Calum. Two different people. This one's cheekier." I awkwardly laughed.

"So when do I get to meet him then?" She questioned but I simply rolled my eyes. The answer to that question is never. She'll scare him off. I love her but one thing I know for sure about her is she is not good with guys

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