Part 2

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After we finished the tour I was given my timetable and took to my current class (English) It was already 15 minutes into the lesson so when I walked in, everyone was looking at me. "You must be Lily Jones, correct?" The man at the front of the class questioned. I nodded my head, "Great, I'm Mr Smith welcome to English, why don't you go sit at the back next to Isla."

I looked towards the back and saw a girl waving at me, that must be Isla. I walked to the back and sat in the seat next to her, "I LOVE your top, where did you get it from?" The blonde-haired girl asked eagerly making me smile.

"Uhh Zara I think I'm not too sure, to be honest" I replied while pulling my stuff out of my bag.

I heard the door open and a low chatter, "Colin, Logan and Caleb your twenty minutes late. Care to explain?" The teacher barked at the cause of the chatter. I looked up and saw the boy from basketball. Oh my god!

"We tried bunking but got caught." He grumbled while walking towards the back but stopped when he got to me.

"You're in my seat." He scoffed. My eyes quickly widened as I began packing up my stuff as fast as I could.

"Mr grey I told her to sit there. I've moved you, Logan and Callum, to the front." Mr Smith announced. Immediately, his head whipped around.

"What?! This is such bullshit!"
He scoffed while walking to the front and slumping into his new chair. I couldn't help but let out a laugh and immediately everyone looked at me wide-eyed except for who I assumed to be Colin who looked
like he was ready to kill. Oh god.

"What's so funny?" He spat. Everyone was gesturing for me to stay quiet but I panicked. "Uhm... it's just.. uh.. you... you made such a... uh... Big deal out of being.. well.. moved." I stumbled over my words as he glared me down.

I watched him roll his eyes and turn back around, followed by everyone else facing the front again and beginning to whisper.

"Girl- the first rule of this school is don't get on the 3 boys' bad side. Especially not Colin... they spent 6 months in prison last year and no one knows why still." Isla hissed at me.

I furrowed my eyebrows. Surely that's not true. What's so bad that they went to prison for 6 months at the age of 16 or 17?

I looked towards the 3 boys at the front of the class and saw them talking, logan and Caleb (not that sure which is which) were both snickering while Colin sat there with 0 emotion.

Moody fucker.

I turned towards the teacher as he began explaining the book, "now there's a reason why they described her door as red. Does anyone know why?" The whole room remained silent. Either no one was paying attention or they didn't know.

Reluctantly, I raised my hand cashing Mr Smith to point at me. "Yes, Lily." Everyone except Colin turned to look at me.

"Well... surely it's a clue to the murderer right? The door was described as a plain oak door early on in the book and now suddenly it's red. Either she's going to be killed next or she is the killer." I shrugged my shoulder. It seems like a kind of basic inference.

"Wow. In the 7 years, I've been teaching this book not one person has got it right so early on in the book." Mr Smith praised making the final person in the room turn and look at me before whispering something to his friends.

The class soon finished and I began packing everything up.
"Can I see your timetable?" Isla, the girl next to me asked. I handed it to her, no questions asked. I watched as she pulled hers out and compared it.

"We've got most of the same classes today except next period." She smiled while handing it back to me.

"Cool... uhm any chance we can sit together at lunch? I would sit with my sister but I already know she's made loads of friends or has a flock of boys following her." I awkwardly joked. I watched as Isla nodded her head.

"Yeah, meet in the cafeteria." She grinned while throwing her bag over her shoulder and walking out with a sweet smile. She seems nice.

I began walking to my next class - algebra - only to feel someone tapping my shoulder. I turned round to see who it was. It's one of the boys who are friends with Colin.

He had blonde hair and brown eyes. His hair was slicked back and his jawline could cut someone. "Hey, I'm Logan." He offered me his hand which I took and shook it.

"Lily." I replied with a sweet smile in an attempt to hide my fear.

"What class have you got next?" He asked with a charming smile. He's definitely got potential. "Uhm Algebra... you?" I replied while awkwardly beginning to back away as I realised how close we are.

"Same, M17?" He questioned, I nodded my head while internally sighing. I shouldn't be talking to someone like this.

"Great we can walk together." He announced while beginning to walk, I followed him but we walked in silence - me at least a metre away from him.

"I don't bite you know... well.. anymore." He laughed making my eyes widen. Anymore?!
His facial expression softened as he looked at me, "it's a joke. I was trying to break the ice. I've never bitten anyone, I promise." He chuckled as he turned down a hallway. I have no idea where I'm going.

"I'm assuming based on your reaction you've heard stuff about me and my friends?" Logan asked while stopping in front of the door. I awkwardly nodded my head. God, I just want this conversation over.

"Like?" He continued. Oh god.
What do I say? This is so freaking awkward. Thankfully I'm 'saved' by someone crashing Into me. What the hell?!

I looked up after being pushed over and saw a VERY cute boy picking up my belongings that had fallen out of my hands while apologising.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright? I didn't mean to push you over my dickhead of a friend shoved me." He spoke frantically as I began to gather my items too.

"It's okay. It's not your fault." I smiled as his hand brushed mine. He handed me my stuff before helping me up.

"Are you new? I feel like I would have remembered someone as cute as you." He spoke with a smirk causing me to blush. I heard someone clearing their throat behind me and immediately the boy began backing away.

"I- uh... I've to go!" He practically sprinted off making me turn around to see Logan standing with his arms crossed. Oh my god what have they done to make everyone this scared of them?

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