part 11

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I saw him immediately stiffen at my words, oh god how bad is it? He's clearly struggling to find the words.

"Okay.. uh... Calum had been dating a girl for 2 months and one day she was... well.. she was raped.. by a guy in our school. So we jumped him, but it went wrong... he was knocked out but his head hit the pavement. He ended up in a coma. And we were arrested. Yet for some reason, he's still at our school." He looks mad about the last part. Like really mad.

"Who was it? The guy.." I had a feeling I'd regret wanting to know. "Matt Johnson" Yeah, I regret it. He sits next to me in 4 classes. I set next to a rapist.

"Is there anything else you want to know?" He questioned. I shook my head. I've got a pretty good answer on what he's like.

"So, do you like me back or not?" Colin questioned while crossing his arms over each other. I took a deep breath, contemplating my answer. He's always in trouble in some way or another and I need to keep my good reputation. Is it worth it?

"I do BUT... I don't want to date you." I groaned, partly regretting my words based on the look on his face. He's a player. Keep that in mind. He just wants sex. That's all. Don't let him get to you.

He didn't say anything, he just looked down. We both sat in silence - neither of us was sure what to say or do.

"Can you leave?" He mumbled. I quickly grabbed my bag and walked out of the room, trying to hide how upset it made me to see him so.. vulnerable I guess.

I walked past Logan and Callum, pushing my way through them when they tried to stop me. I didn't even know where I was going but I just began walking.

Eventually, I heard someone honking their horn at me, I turned around and saw a random guy and then.. my sister sat next to him with a grin on her face.

"Get in! We're going back home so don't say no!" Ava called out. I didn't say anything and just began walking towards the car, I turned around at the hospital before I got in and saw Logan coming towards me while calling my name.

I ignored him and got in the car. I know Ava could tell something was wrong because she wasn't being her usual loud self.

"You excited dad is coming home tonight?" She asked while turning to face me. I simply nodded my head. I'm not in the mood to talk.

I don't know why I'm so mad and upset. I'm the one who rejected him. I didn't get rejected, he did! I should be feeling confident if anything!

I shut my eyes and before I could open them again, the tires began screeching and a loud bang followed. It then hit me, I couldn't move, I couldn't open my eyes. I could feel something trickling down my head. Blood.

We've been in a crash! Why can't I open my eyes? Open your eyes! I began panicking as everything went silent. Ava? Is Ava okay? What happened?!

I have so many questions! That's when I heard it, a car pulling up! Oh thank god! Whoever it is will get help, but when I heard their voice I realised, I'm fucked.

"Oh my god, Lily?! Is that you!? Calum go back and get help! I'll stay here!" Logan's familiar voice echoed. He must have got in his car and followed when he saw us driving off.

I felt him lean over me and then heard my seatbelt un-buckle. At least he's trying to help I suppose.

"Oh god.. oh shit.. can you hear me? Are you awake? Lily? Please wake up!" Logan was clearly panicked. I'm here! I'm still here! I promise! I can hear you! He needs to make sure Ava is okay.

I heard rustling and then the driver's side door opened, "Okay good still alive." It went silent for a moment before another door opened signalling he must be checking on Ava.

"Hello? Are you okay? Where does it hurt?" I heard logan speaking, she must be awake.

"My legs, my legs they hurt! I heard Ava sob. Oh god. She's awake. Thank god.

I heard Logan mumble something that I couldn't quite figure out but soon enough I felt someone touching my arm again.

"Lily? Wake up, please." I felt him shaking me lightly. Then I felt it, I could move again. I opened my eyes and looked down at myself.

One of my legs was bent in a way it shouldn't be, the other leg had a huge, deep cut down the front and my stomach had a small piece of metal wedged into it. I feel sick. I can't even see my face, or from the bottom of my ribs upwards. It hurts to move my neck.

"Please tell me help is going to get here quickly." I sighed, squeezing my eyes shut once again. I opened them and looked at my sister but it only made me feel even more ill, one of the bones in her leg was sticking out.

I watched as logan tapped my knee, "do you feel that?" He asked, but I couldn't. I know he's tapping my knee, but I don't feel it.

I shook my head no and watched his face sink. "Collins gonna be so mad.." he mumbled under his breath. Oh my god! Colin! I forgot what had happened. I remember running out the hospital and couldn't remember why until now.

I heard the sound of ambulances and have never been happier. My whole body hurts.

They pulled up by the car and women climbed in next to me, "What's your name and how old are you?" She asked while lifting up my arm and doing something which I wasn't too sure what.

"Lily- Lily Jones, I'm 16" I sobbed as she began examining my wounds. "Hello Lily, I'm daisy, I'm going to help you, okay?" She smiled at me.

It took 3 people to get me out the car safely, I was put on a stretcher and a massive foam block around my neck so I wouldn't move.

I was put in the ambulance and within 2 minutes we got to the hospital. A group of doctors came out and brand me inside, I watched as Calum followed behind trying to talk to me, however, I couldn't hear all the doctors talking.

I was rolled past Colin's room and after that Calum must have gone inside because I couldn't see him anymore.

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