I was eighteen when I got pregnant. That was two and a half years ago. Now I had a little boy who looks exactly like his father running around. His second birthday is in a few weeks, so I’m planning a party for him. God I swear sometimes I turn around him and call him Gabe and he just gives me this look like “who is this person you are referring to mom?” and I want to tell him, but he’s two! I can’t tell a two year old of how he came to be, that’s just cruel and unusual punishment.
Today I was going to take him with me to see A.J and Aidyn her boyfriend of like four years, the same one who is brothers with Carter’s father. She promised me that he wouldn’t be there; he was on tour or something. I just finished getting Carter ready before I ran into my room to finish getting ready. As I was walking out Carter Gabriel Macen, my son, ran out of his room and right at my legs almost knocking me over.
“Carter Macen what did I tell you about running in the house?” I asked him a smile playing on my lips. His face went from all joyous to that little smirk that he gives me, which I swear he got from his father, where he knows he can get away with anything by pouting out his little lip and looking up at me with his big blue eyes, the only part of him that resembles me in anyway.
“You ready to go see Auntie A.J?” I watched as his little face went back into a huge smile as he nodded at me. I can’t believe my baby was turning two soon, I swear time has flown by so quickly. It took me forever to finally get him in the car and all ready to go. When I finally did, I was already twenty minutes late, and so A.J. was sending texts every five minutes asking where the hell I was and that everyone was waiting for me and this crap of course I stopped reading them after I started to drive.
Twenty minutes after that I arrived at A.J and Aidyn’s house, traffic had been terrible and I knew that I was about to face the wrath of my best friend.
“Alright baby” I said as I was unbuckling Carter from his car seat “You need to run up to Auntie A.J and give her a big hug so she doesn’t hurt mommy okay?”. I smiled down at him and I could almost see that smirk form on his cute little face. He nodded at me and I took him out of the car, shut the door and then placed him on the grass.
“Evan Loraine Macen, how dare you be forty minutes late!” I heard A.J yelling as I grabbed all of Carter’s gear and turned around.
“I’m sorry there was traffic!” I laughed as Carter ran right up to her, making her forget all her anger towards me.
As I walked up to them A.J. looked up at me, and an odd expression crossed her features.
“Ev, there’s uh something I have to tell you…”
“What?” I asked cautiously; please tell me she didn’t set me up again!
“You see well Aidyn forgot to tell me that Gabe had a break in the tour and he’s actually home and sort of here…”
“WHAT?” Quickly I picked up Carter and turned around. “I am not going in there with Carter, he will know, he looks just like him!”
“Evan, you had to tell him some time!”
“How do you tell someone that you lied, oh sorry Gabe I lied, he really is yours? That just doesn’t work A.”
I headed back to my car walking as quickly as I could. I wasn’t ready to tell him about his son. I just couldn’t do it. I was halfway to the car when someone grabbed my wrist.
“Don’t leave on my account!” I knew that voice it was Gabe. I pulled Carter closer to my chest so no one could see his face.
“I’m not…” I couldn’t think of what to say. What do you say? I slowly turned to face him. He looked just about the same as before only if possible hotter. His hair had grown out a little and maybe his muscles became more toned. God he was just amazing, yet there was nothing I could do about it. He wasn’t mine, he never was mine, and he isn’t ever going to be.
“It sure seems like it…” Why does this have to happen to me? Even his voice is like velvet. This is just horrible.
“I just remembered Carter has a doctor’s appointment I forgot about.” I lied to him again. Carter peeked up at me confused; he wanted to know why his mama was lying to some stranger.
The look in Gabe’s eyes said it all, he could tell I was lying yet he didn’t want to say anything about it.
“Just tell him already Evan; I’m sick of this shi-crap!” A.J yelled next to Aidyn, I guess I couldn’t blame her. I asked her to lie, that makes me a terrible person I know but I couldn’t tell him.
“Tell me what?” His cute little face turned into a frown. What was I going to do, or say? How was I going to this? Sighing I put Carter down and told him to go play with Aunt A.J and Uncle Aidyn. Then cautiously I looked at Gabe.
“There’s something I should have told you two and half years ago.” I waited until they took Carter inside when I finally looked back at him. “I lied to you Gabe, when you asked if my baby was yours I lied. He really is your son, I’m sorry I lied I really am but I thought I was doing it to save your career I mean look at how everything turned out. None of it would have happened if I told you that Carter was yours.” I told him exasperatedly. I knew he was going to be angry, any normal person would be.
It surprised me when he just stared. I was expecting a blow up. “You lied about me having a son?” He asked as if the notion was completely ridiculous.
“I didn’t want to stop you from having a future.”
“So you made me miss the first two years of my son’s life? When were you planning on telling me Evan? When he was seventeen?” Now the anger flared in his eyes.
“I was going to tell you when I thought the time was right!”
“Oh the hell to that Evan! You were just scared!”
“No, I was thinking of you! I was thinking of your life, and how there was no way that I was going to sacrifice your talent and your future for me. I could handle it, so I did!”
“I should have been given the damn choice Evan!”
“No, you would have insisted on staying with me and you wouldn’t be where you are now and you know it!”
That rendered him silent for a few seconds mostly because of the fact that it’s true. If I would have told him he wouldn’t be famous, and he loves what he does.
“You still should have told me… I’m guessing you were hiding him because he looks like me?”
“He’s your carbon copy, the only thing that looks like me is eyes, and they’re blue. “
“Oh. Can I see him?”
“Yeah, you can.”
Author's note: So I want to thank everyone who's read this so far, please please tell me what you think!

I told him, he wasn't his so I wouldn't ruin his life
TienerfictieEvan was a normal girl just trying to make it when she went to a party and wound up having a one night stand. A few months later she finds out she's pregnant but the father, her best friend's boyfriend's brother is a rising super star who's about to...