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Akira walked for awhile, making her way to a small town. In her haste to escape the mob, she didn't have the chance to pack some of the essentials she needed. So she headed to the shops to pick up a few things. Despite her new appearance, she made sure to keep her hood up to hide her identity. Half as a precaution to not be recognized and half out of habit. Akira browsed the stalls and shops for what she needed. As she shopped, Akira couldn't help but notice a young woman getting hassled by a man who clearly didn't have much respect for women.

Come on. I'm a nice guy I swear.

I said I'm not not interested. Now please just leave me alone.

Akira did her best to tell herself not to get involved. The last thing she wanted right now was to draw attention to herself. So she continued looking for what she needed. Meanwhile the man kept up harassing the young woman.

Oh don't be like that.

The man grabbed the young woman's arm.

Hey, let go.

She tried to pull away, but he just tightened his grip on her. He pulled her in and tried to kiss her. When suddenly he felt something hard hit the back of his head.

What the...

He turned around to investigate and saw Akira standing there, casually tossing an apple in her hand. Figuring that she was the one that hit him, the man yelled at Akira.

What's your problem?!

Didn't anyone ever tell you not to put your hands on a woman without her permission?

Why don't you mind your own damn business.

Wish I could. But unfortunately I really can't stand people that try to take advantage of or impose their will on others.

Screw you.

(sarcasm) Hard pass.

The man let go of the young woman, shoving her away. He began storming towards Akira who was standing with her arms crossed, leaning against the fruit stall she took the apples from. He got up in her face.

You think you're funny don't you?


(Faking a smile) Okay, you got me.

He began to turn around. Then he quickly threw a punch at Akira. Expecting this, she easily ducked out of the way. Seeing Akira dodge so easily, mad him madder. He swung at her again and again. But couldn't land a single hit. He ran full speed at Akira, she casually side stepped and stuck out her foot, tripping him. He fell face first into the dirt. He angerly looked up at her as he got back to his feet. Letting out an loud yell, he swung at her with his full strength. Suddenly Akira dropped down and swept his legs out from under him. He crashed to the ground. Akira looked down at him as he layed there with nothing hurt but his pride.

I can do this all day. So why don't you just give it up and stop being a creep.

The man gave an annoyed grumble as he stood up. He began to walk away, showing his way past Akira. Akira put out her arm, stopping him from leaving.

Now don't you think you owe this young lady an apology.

The embarrassed and annoyed man looked back and offered the young woman a half heated apology. Satisfied, Akira dropped her arm. He sneered at Akira and left. With the rude man gone, Akira checked to make sure the young woman was okay. She said she was and thanked Akira for her help. Akira told her it wasn't a big deal, then carried on with her shopping. After she finished, Akira left town. She didn't get too far when someone jumped out of the bushes and grabbed her from behind. Before Akira had time to react she felt a sharp pain in her side.

HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now