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Nokia and Falco stood speechless as Akira finished telling her story. Akira bowed her head in sadness. Taking their silence as a sign that they too didn't believe a word she said. Though she tried, Akira couldn't fight back her tears. As the fear of her reality set in. She was going to die for a crime she didn't commit and there was nothing she could do.

I knew it. I knew you wouldn't believe me. No one else does. So why would I think this would possibly be any different.

Akira found herself sinking further into sadness.

Just go. Leave me to my final few hours of this miserable life in peace.

Suddenly Akira felt her face being lifted up. Nokia reached through the bars and held Akira's face in her hands. Time almost seemed to slow down as Akira heard Nokia say the three words she never thought she would ever hear.

I believe you.

Akira looked at her for a moment. Taking off guard by what Nokia had just said. Akira felt like she needed to make sure she wasn't imaging what she just heard.


I believe you. I know you could never be capable of doing something like that.

Akira felt an overwhelming feeling of relief and joy. Knowing that someone finally trusted her and believed that she wasn't the horrible murderer that everyone else thought she was. She smiled at Nokia. Nokia turned to Falco.

We need to get Akira out of here.

You really believe her?

Yes I do. Think about it. We've known Akira for a while now. Dose she really seem like a cold blooded murderer to you?

Falco looked at Akira, then pulled Nokia over to the side to talk to her without Akira overhearing.

Why do you have such blind faith in her? She lied to us about who she is. Whose to say she's not lying about this too.

She only lied because she had to. Of course she's not gonna go around just announcing to anyone that she's a wanted criminal for something she didn't do. Besides I think that might have been what she was trying tell us before those soldiers showed up and arrested her.

(Sigh) You really believe she didn't do it don't you?

Yes. I just know it. Akira's innocent. I mean why would a heartless criminal do half the things she does. If she truly was the monster people say she is, she wouldn't just step up when she sees someone who needs help. She wouldn't care what people thought of her. And she definitely wouldn't let me stick around. I know I can be a little over excitable and bug her sometimes. But I know she still cares about me. And you too. We're her friends. And friends stand by each other through thick and thin. So you can do whatever you want, but I'm getting Akira out of here.

Falco decided to accept Nokia's points. And along with her, trust that what Akira told them was the truth.

You really mean all that?

Falco and Nokia looked over at Akira. Who apparently could still hear everything they said. They went back over to her cell.

Every word.

So how do we get her out.

You don't.

We can't just leave you here. They're gonna kill you.

But if you break me out, you'll become criminals too for helping me escape. Besides  maybe I belong here.

What, why would you even say that?!

Because even though I didn't start that fire. I also didn't do anything to help those people. I just ran and left them to die.

You were confused and scared. Anyone in that situation would be. It's not your fault.

But it is. I should've stayed, should've helped. Instead just ran like a coward. All those innocent people are dead, because of me. And nothing I do will ever change that.


Your right.

Nokia gave Falco a disgusted look. He motioned for her to let him finish.

You can't change what's already done. And you clearly feel extremely guilty about that night. But you dying won't bring those people back. Killing another innocent people won't give them justice. Instead we should find out what actually happened. Maybe then it can bring some semblance of peace. Not just to you, but to the people whose loved one's died. And finally let everyone that was killed rest in peace.

I think that's a great idea. Don't you Akira?

Trust me I've tried to find out what really happened. But got no where. Plus you seem to be forgetting that breaking someone out of prison is a pretty serious crime. Like I said, I don't want you two to become criminals like me.

Ha, I'm a mercenary. You really think this would be the first law I've broken. Trust me it's not  the first and I'm sure it won't be the last.

And I don't care if I become a criminal. If it means saving you from being wrongfully executed.

So it's decided then.

Nokia began focusing, building up a large ball of fire in her hands.

Okay Akira stand back.

Akira got over to the side of the cell and hugged the wall.

Wait what are you doing?!

Nokia unleashed a huge burst of fire on the cell door. The force was so great, it blasted the door off it's hinges and blew it against the back wall, making a loud crash.

Holy shit Nokia!

Akira had no idea that Nokia had that level of power. Nokia just gave a little smile. Falco handed Akira something to pick the locks on her chains, and she freed herself. As soon as Akira was free, they began to leave. But then the door to the chamber flew open, as guards began storming in. Obviously they heard the loud noise from the cell door being thrown against the wall. Falco charged at them as he picked up a table a used it to push the guards up against the wall and hold them there.

Go now!

Nokia grabbed Akira's wrist and ran. Taking Akira with her.

Wait what about Falco?

We talked about this before we came to see you. Don't worry he can handle himself. Come on he'll catch up with us later.

Nokia and Akira ran out of the prison. Artimis was waiting outside. As both of them raced towards the griffin, Akira looked back and saw Falco running out behind them, with a bunch of guards chasing him. Quickly Nokia and Akira got on Artimis and took off. Falco made it to Zora and followed. All of them soared through the sky as they flead from the prison. After getting a fair amount of distance from their pursuers, they landed to give the creatures a rest. And to try to figure out what their next move was. Now with all of them being hunted by the authorities, life for everyone there was going to become a lot more difficult, and dangerous. Akira couldn't help but feel bad that now her friends were going to be known for helping to free a murderer. Now she knew she had to find out the truth. Not just for her, but for Nokia and Falco as well. Akira couldn't let her reputation ruin their lives. They both put so much faith and trust in her when no one else did. Akira just hoped with everything she had that she wouldn't let them down.


HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now