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The moon hung over head as Akira and her companions finished settling up camp for the night. They needed to figure out where to begin with trying to find out the truth behind the village fire. But with nothing to go on, doing so would be easier said than done. Akira sat quietly as she stared into the fire, deep in her own thoughts. Nokia came and sat beside her.

So any ideas for what our next move is?

Akira seemingly didn't hear her as she just sat there. Nokia nudged her.



Akira looked at her. Nokia could see the silent sadness in her eyes.

You okay?

Well I spent the last number of years being hunted for multiple murders I didn't commit. I just added breaking out of prison to the list of crimes I'm wanted for. And if that wasn't bad enough, now my friends are being forced to live on the run as criminals because of me. So no, I'm not fucking okay. Not even a little.

Akira let out an exhausted sigh as she looked up at the night sky.

I'm just so tired. Tired of running. Tired of having to hide no matter where I go. Tired of people's lives being ruined because of me. Sometimes it seems like my very existence is a curse.

Don't say such things Akira.

Nokia turned to face Akira and grabbed her hand, gently squeezing it. Akira looked at her.

You listen to me right now. You are not a curse. You're not a bad person. You're not any of the awful things they say you are. You're a good, kind soul who's just a victim of circumstance.

I wish I shared your optimism.

Nokia's right. You shouldn't be so hard on yourself.

If only it was that simple.

Nokia went a little off topic as she thought of something.

You know now that I think about it, I always wondered why were always on the road. For me it's obvious, I've been a traveling healer for a while. Falco, he's a mercenary. So he gets hired all over the place. But I could never figure out why you always wanted to be on the move. And now it all makes sense.

Well there you go.

They sat quietly for a bit.

You know there's something I've been meaning to ask you Akira.


If I wasn't told who you were, I never would've thought that you used to be a thief. Let alone one of the most well-known thieves around.

Thats kind of the point.

No I mean the whole being a theif thing doesn't seem to fit you. I can't picture you just breaking into houses and stealing from people.

Well that is what thieves do.

But what made you even become a theif in the first place?

It's kind of a long story.

Hey I thought we agreed on no more secrets.

It's not like that. It's just not really a part of my life I like to revisit.

(Disappointed tone) Oh okay. I understand.

Akira sighed, thinking Nokia was right, again. And that maybe it might be good if she finally got everything out. Maybe if she actually shared the pain she'd been carrying with her for so long, then maybe she could find a way to move on. As impossible to Akira as it seemed.

HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now