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The demons continued to pour into the world through the portal. Akira, Nokia and Falco looked out, seeing the monumental task that layed before then. No matter what they had to reach the other side.

You guys ready?

Akira readied her dagger as Nokia and Falco prepared their offenses too.


Let's go.

Then let's do this.

With that, the three of them charged into the hoard of demons. Taking down as many as they could as they made their way towards the portal. Dispite not having time to rest from their fight against Hera, the three of them fought with everything they had left. They knew that they had to shut down the portal, no matter what. The fates of countless people depended on it. As they fought, Akira looked ahead.

Look. Up ahead. We're almost there. Keep fighting, we're gonna make it.

Nokia and Falco looked and saw a large building. There was a red beam of light coming up from the roof and piercing the sky above. That's what was making the portal to the demon realm. They could see the demons falling out of the portal in sky. Knowing that they were almost there gave everyone a boost of energy. Akira, Nokia and Falco ran faster towards the building. They were just about there, when a flying demon swooped down and grabbed Falco. Lifting him high off the ground.


Nokia quickly began firing her magic at the demon that had it's grip on Falco. Akira couldn't do anything, it was already out of her reach. Instead she focused on keeping the demons off Nokia while she tried to get Falco back. After a couple minutes and missed shots, Nokia finally landed a hit on the demon. It let out a screech as it released Falco from its clutches and flew off. Falco plummeted to the ground and landed hard. Both Akira and Nokia ran over to him.

Falco, are you okay?

Falco layed there wincing in pain.

(Lying) Yup. Never better.

Akira and Nokia knew he was obviously lying. Akira stood guard and kept the demons at bay, while Nokia examined Falco.

It looks like he has a number of broken ribs. His right arm and his left leg are broken as well. He has a few other internal injuries too. It's really bad.

Can you heal him?

I can. But it will take time. Time that we don't have right now.

Akira looked and saw that they really weren't far from the building.

What if we get him inside?

That might give me the time and opportunity to focus. But how do we get him there?

Don't. Just keep going. You have to shut down the portal. I'll just slow you two down too much.

Quite. We're not leaving you here. End of story. You said you're with me until the end. Well it's not over yet. I will not let yet another person I care about die.

Akira looked around, trying to think of a way to move Falco. Ever resourceful, she came up with an idea. She left Nokia guarding Falco as she ran around gathering a bunch of sturdy branches and brought them back over. Nokia kept the demons off them. Akira retrieved some rope from her satchel and began tying the branches together, making a stretcher of sorts.. Once she was done, Akira and Nokia carefully got Falco on it.

Nokia, you think you can keep the demons off us on your own while I pull Falco?

Count on me Akira.

HONOR AMONG THIEVES: THE LEGEND OF AKIRA Where stories live. Discover now